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Y&R January 2017 Discussion Thread

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I think her last visit, while seemingly kind and familial, felt off because it existed mostly to make Jack seem petty and small for not immediately forgiving Billy because "family" or this BS that that's what John would have wanted. I imagine John would have wanted his son to not sleep with his other son's wife.

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How is that lopsided writing?


She never said what Billy did was ok or that it was wrong for Jack to feel justifiably upset with their little brother. Only that Jack acknowledge that even though he lives in the Abbott family house, that doesn't give him the right to bar other Abbotts from their rightful place there too. That was a huge part of Ashley's paternity tantrum. That if she were to wrong Jack in some way he found unacceptable for any reason he'd ex-communicate her altogether too.


It's not like the Abbotts were forcing themselves into Jack's place to make him celebrate with them. As Jill said Billy is as much an Abbott as the rest of them no matter who dislikes it. So if Jack wants to completely avoid Billy, in addition to not forgiving him, he should move out & get his own place eliminating the.issue altogether.




That's been an issue for years though. Brenda's Ashley married Grambo a year after he took over Jabot so it's not as if her biases are some huge secret.

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I don't think Traci's writing is lopsided. She and Ashley were both around for Jack sleeping with Jill so they know what a hypocrite he's being with Billy and their reaction makes total sense. What's out of character is Jack moping around like a baby when he's treated women so bad in the past. Jack is one of the few characters I don't like the current writing for, Billy being the other. I think they need to accept he's in his 60s and adjust how they write him, similar to what they're doing with Victor and Nikki. Keemo and Kyle (well cast for once) are a MUST. He needs adult children and along with Abby to try building a legacy for the Abbott's. Focus on that and business and allow him to be a proper rival to the Newman's again. I'd even give Keemo an adult or teenaged child to further flesh the family out. THEN you can focus on a love interest. 

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