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And I STILL don't understand WHY it needed change in the first damn place.  Except, of course, because JFP thought she could get away with it.

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JFP's problem on every show since GL has been an incredible lack of respect for history.  You can modernize without forgetting.  Update without ignoring what went before.  For me, it comes across as a lack of respect for those before her and the traditions of the show.


That was indeed a great scene.  I hope they build on that and keep using Jill!

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Great scene. 

Obviously,Mal Young's doing.

Would Pratt have anything to do with this or would Young ordered this and worked around Pratt's nonsense?

I would imagine ditching Pratt would cost a bundle so hopefully they're going to do these kind of tweaks until he can be dropped.

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That was very sweet.


I had no idea they'd done all that to the house. I'm amazed CBS noticed or cared enough to step in at all - I don't think they'd give a [!@#$%^&*] about sets on the show. I have to assume they used it as a stalking horse to fire Jill.

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She replied "No" when someone tweeted asking if the sacrilege to the Chancellor mansion set was done to simply see what the viewers reaction would be with the intention that it would be returned to normal. 


JFP GH'd that set and the reaction was overwhelmingly negative. I still don't know how they can fix the Newman Ranch set - some foliage and bigger windows would be a start.

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