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B&B - June 2016 Discussion Thread

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Can we please have a storyline....who KILLED QUINN?  And have her ACTUALLY be DEAD.  The character has sucked the LIFE out of the show.  Everyone has been dumbed down beyond belief for the sake of QUINN.  GET RID OF HER ALREADY.  I don't even care who offs her - just get RID of the character. 

I watch about 5 minutes a week - but what happened to Deacon?  Why would he let her out of the house or not follow her, or where were they even living?  No one even mentions him.  Or maybe they do and I missed it.  But whatever.  the thing that will save B&B is its overseas market.  But for the number of overall viewers...its 18-49 women demo stinks to high heavens.  It's pathetic.  GL and World Turns had 1.9 million total viewers or so at the end, but pulled in 600,000 women 18-49.  Everyone watching Y&R and B&B must be male or 52+ year old  women. 


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She is such a hypocrite. She is mad at Bill for betraying her confidence when that is EXACTLY what she did to Ridge and Caroline when she blabbed. This is all her fault for being nosy and spilling tea. Karma's a bitch.

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Katie…ugh….Bill should have said BYE you crazy beyotch….LOL and walked as fast as he could out that door.


OMG…the same script with Quinn…..now its Steffy telling her not to step foot at that damn beach house….LOL……BB needs to stop with his obsession with Liam


No build up again to the secret….Bill already blabbed that he knows….LOL….oye…...


I hate how watered down they have made Caroline…..Bill was right that she is Ridge's doormat.

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I had it on mute but rewound it when a con call ended.  The same rehash with Quinn.  She wants to be back in Wyatt's life.  She nursed Liam back to health.  I just don't understand it - the police told her to stay away from Liam so where was the first place she went???  She'll be stalking Steffy and her baby as soon as she gets pregnant...it just goes around and around in circles. 

They easily could have tried something different....when Quinn was hauled in, couldn't Liam have said he wouldn't press charges but she had to check-in for a mental/medical checkup and stay there for a month minimum?  Clearly she's completely ill and no one ever does anything about it.  It's just ZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

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I understand that Katie should have stayed out of Ridge's private life, but have to agree with her conclusion regarding Bill and Brooke.  I hate Brooke and Bill together!  I'm sure we'll get all of the "stallion " references soon.  Why don't they just say he's hung and let it go?

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Katie is whining bc Bill betrayed her trust by blabbing to Brooke. Bitch STFU. You betrayed Rige, Caroline and Thomas' trust by blabbing about all of this in the first place with your messy ass. Karma's a bitch

This bunch sound so stupid, saying if the secret gets out, it will ruin Douglas' life. He is like 3 months old. He wont remember any of this. He'll be affected if it comes out when he is older after he's formed a relationship with Ridge as his father

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is she wearing a wig?

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Seriously, if you stopped watching B&B for a year you wouldn't miss anything. The same stories are still playing out….same old boring tired Liam story……Brooke and Bill again?? ewwww………wasn't their pairing squashed because they weren't popular?  Caroline is one hot mess…the only time the real Caroline appeared and it was only to yell at Dollar Bill….sad...

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I wasnt feeling Bill's POV in this at first but I got where the show was coming from bc he knows what its like to have a secret like this affect him and his sons



Im glad Bill confessed his love to Brooke. Hopefully Katie finds out and has that heart attack she so deserves


Liam/Steffy/Wyatt/Quinn is literally the same exact story as Liam/Hope/Wyatt/Quinn. Look at Wyatt and Steffy fighting bc he keeps defending Quinn who keeps interfering and wont go away like Steffy demands. Its the SAME arguments he had with Hope which ultimately led to their divorce. Now Quinn wants to get rid of Liam bc he's a threat to her son's marriage.

just like that Bill and Brooke agree to keep the secret...WTF?!? What is even the point of this getting out if everyone keeps their mouth shut. I need Rick to find out next and blow it up to the world

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Yes it is….same script just replace Hope with Steffy. I am just wondering how long the actress who plays Steffy will get tired of it and leave again just like Hope did.


Im hoping a drunken Katie blabs to Rick and then he comes up with some great plan to expose the secret. 

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I thought Monday's scenes between Bill, Brooke and Katie were really good. And I was enjoying the storyline until today when I realized that a Bill and Brooke reunion is inevitable. They still have absolutely no chemistry. I wish Brooke would just die.



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I'm here for Brooke & Bill. I know I'm in the minority and I don't care :)   Imagine how grief-stricken the lovebirds would be, and feelings of guilt to work through, if Katie tragically died out of all this. What great Emmy material for all three actors. Let's make it happen. 

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