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GH Actresses Extended Their Stay

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I agree. This is the first GH casting news I've actually been happy about in awhile. Now, if Laura, Anna and Tracy could each be involved in front-burner storylines, with a bonus of occasional appearances from Monica and Leslie, it probably still wouldn't be "smart" TV but it would help make GH more enjoyable. (A show should be something you enjoy, not something you just try to get through. But 5 days a week of Sonny the misunderstood mobster and his 2 mental midget sons does make enjoying the show difficult sometimes.)


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Thrilled at this news! Genie and Finola are - and deserve to be seen as - the moral compass/heart and soul characters of the show. It's about damn time they rectified the years of mistreatment of the Laura character with Geary's raggedy ass corpse around wreaking havoc. Now, let's get Tristan Rogers back for Finola, stat! And please God, don't let them saddle Genie with Richard Burgi, whom I adore, but whose character is trash.


I don't hold out much hope for Jane Elliot. Remember in 2012 when they did a bait and switch and were going to announce Florencia Lozano was on contract but quickly got Finola Hughes on contract and announced her instead? I wouldn't be surprised if this announcement about Genie and Finola came right before news of Jane's exit. There's no way either of these ladies (especially Genie) came cheap. Plus we know Teresa Castillo has to exit shortly for her second maternity leave. I wouldn't be surprised if Tracy ushers her insta-bestie Sabrina off canvas to protect her and the baby (for some reason we don't know of yet) and then only Sabrina returns. Just my two cents. I could see them trying to offer Jane recurring and she decided to walk instead. The only upside of a potential Tracy exit would hopefully be an increased Monica presence to fill her shoes.

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I will also be watching edits of Anna/Laura until more of the show improves.  I'm happy for Genie.  She deserves to be shown some respect by the show.  I hope they invest in the bright spots they do have.


And Anna adds what she has always added.  Style, strength, and a bit of edge for what could be a one note role.  She was the first soap character I loved, and I still enjoy her.

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I don't think Anna should be torturing herself like this over Carlos Rivera. The dude was a hired gun, a hitman; she's put down a lot of them. She's been in the spy game since the Cold War, she's killed hundreds. While Anna has often had a commitment to law and order, she's been an assassin longer than that and she understands there are sometimes different forms of justice.

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I love Anna Devane but I'm going to play devil's advocate a bit here because I'm admittedly too young to have been watching during any of the "Anna heyday" stuff. I knew she was a spy and a double agent at one point but I never sit and think about the hundreds of people she likely killed off screen. I only know the tiniest of facts from the 80s and then what I see presented on screen now. Anna shooting Carlos rubbed me the wrong way, mostly because it was written entirely as a revenge murder, not for any sense of greater justice. And it doesn't help that Duke was being thrown under the bus and made into a mob boss himself. We understand why Anna loves him but that doesn't mean he was a "good man" at the time of his death. Even with a slight tweak, if Anna had the revenge motivation AND Carlos had just raped or killed someone else more innocent than Duke, I wouldn't have given Anna's vigilante justice a second thought. But that's not how it was written and I think that's where the issue comes into play. Not only that but when they brought Anna back in 2012, they had her assume the role of police commissioner. Most would probably argue that was a bad idea from the get-go given her history but it happened, there's nothing we can do to change it now, and she was upholding the law on screen for years. So when Anna turns around and shoots a man in cold blood, it makes her a hypocrite in my eyes. It sucks that she ends up looking worse than Sonny for this, because he is *literal* scum, but he doesn't pretend not to be (though the writers like to switch that up with each gust of wind), at least when it comes to "the business." I hope that helps explain the "other side of the coin" a bit?

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I get it but I don't agree with it. It just doesn't bother me. Anna was trained by Faison, has always had a dark side. Faison took her off the grid for years in the '90s, then when she returned from the dead she spent the better part of a decade back in the spy game, largely offscreen. It doesn't take much to figure out what she was up to in those years, just like before she first came to Port Charles.

Anna was top cop in the '80s, though, so I had no problem with her being Commish these last few years and I wish she still was. I think she has a great respect for law and order. But she (and Robert as well) have also often operated outside it, or according to a different law. They know that when you wear the local badge you can do one thing, and when you operate as an agent you can do another. The situation with Carlos was no different, IMO.


I think Ron and the show very badly wanted me to see Anna as a hypocrite at the time vis a vis Sonny and/or Julian, but I never could. Carlos was a hitman, Anna is on the side of justice, she blew him away. Simple as.

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I agree with the bolded part but the sad part is I never once thought about that while watching the show. They simply don't emphasize her "former spy life" enough for me to even remember it happened enough, and IMO, that's on them, not on me to sit and think about the details. GH simply isn't intelligent enough for me to give it much more thought than the [!@#$%^&*] they're feeding me in the trough tbh. 


I still think Sonny's a hypocrite too despite what the show tells me to think, don't you worry. But I think Anna came off that way as well. Ultimately, it doesn't matter much though. I still love Anna and waiver from indifferent to hating Sonny.

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They should be, but it's never quite worked out that way IMO, for a variety of reasons (Genie not really liking Laura's role or purpose and obviously not being liked all that much by producers of recent years; the Genie/Tony issues; Finola being checked out this time around and the show obviously not "getting" Anna). That's where I think the show messed up in what they did to characters like Felicia and Bobbie.

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