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GH Actresses Extended Their Stay

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I'd have Laura reopen Ward House, bring Lesley in more often (I realize Denise Alexander may not be able to do a lot but she can do something if asked, I'm sure), and bring in some of Barbara Vining's (her adoptive mother) family, as the Spencers are played out. Perhaps mention Amy passing away and use that as a reason to mine the past. 


Anna - I'd bring Robert back and make her chief of police again, and try to write her with more humor and intelligence, rather than wearily reacting to boring crises about boring love interests. 

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I would like to see Laura in a story with comedy something that uses Genies comedic talents. Laura kind of going to a bar getting a little tipsy and meeting a new stranger like a new love interest. Explore Laura new love for someone new who is a mobster. Maybe kind of like how Viki met Ben on OLTL. Kind of like a dark comedy here.

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The only way to successfully write Anna is in plot oriented crime stories which allow her to showcase  her talent for character scenes.   Anna is not a realistic character, she is basically Mrs Peel in daytime.   She is a 50 yr old Black Widow, and that is a plus not a minus because it makes her unique and uniquely at home in certain types of stories nobody else on the show naturally fits in--except maybe Laura.   They should become a female version of Luke and Robert and start solving murders.  To waste Anna in typical soap relationship stories is wasting a great character.    Sure she can have love stories, as long as the men are part of her criminal cases.


I doubt the show will do anything special with Anna and they will just waste Laura as walking saint and mother.   I guess they could have Laura work at GH and go up against Dr O, but other than that she has no natural rivals or anyone to work with except her kids and her kids' kids.

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Both Laura and Anna need to be written with respect. I loved the way Anna was written in the 80's and early 90's. I loved how Laura was written under Claire Labine from 1993-96. Both Anna and Laura are iconic characters who are two of the best and most beloved characters in GH history. GH should center the show on them rather then Sonny. I don't think Jean and Shelly are capable of giving Francis or Hughes quality material.  

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I'd love to see Laura put her difficult past to good use as a therapist for troubled youths or victims of sexual assault (or both), a career that would place her both in the medical sphere of the show as well as the legal.  She needs to be written as a sensitive, mature, grounded individual who has conquered her demons and is now about helping others going through similar ordeals.  A romance with a new character -- perhaps an older male physician at GH -- wouldn't hurt, but I'd want that to be explored gradually.  The important thing would be to re-establish Laura as someone with ties to the community, including her own family.


As for Anna, I'm fine with where she is career-wise.  As quartermainefan says upthread, she shines most as a law enforcement official.  If romance were on the horizon, though, I'd want it to be with someone who isn't as morally conflicted as Duke had been.  (Been there, done that.  Twice.)  A lawyer and/or local politician who is solid and around her age might be good -- but again, as with Laura, I don't wish to have it rushed.  I miss the slow burn of watching relationships grow over time.

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It's longer than the show has, but it's the only thing that could give them a chance. I somehow doubt it was Frank's optimum situation, since he wouldn't give her a long-term contract earlier and was determined to keep JT (who was miserable and hated his story, and like so many others, Genie included, had been promised [!@#$%^&*] that didn't happen).

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At least someone realized she has the potential to help the show!! Frank needs to keep the twinks on his pornhub account and  stick to shoring up some actors with presence, like Genie, Finola, and Jane. That's how they'll start getting viewers back.

That and dropping Franko,Ninny, Kaka, Woodcock and Jillian, for starters...

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