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B&B: October Discussion Thread

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I think they're moving it fast because the feedback on the show's direction since Ally's death has been so negative. Think of how much better this story would've been if it had been Rick's baby instead. Oh, well. Maybe they'll have Caroline give the kid up for adoption and miraculously, Maya/Rick adopt it. Because Caroline has turned into a keeping Ridge as her main priority in life. Yuk. Honestly, the Ridge/Caroline/Thomas baby mess does absolutely nothing for me. It's so boringly basic as a "C" storyline, not one that is the show's driver ATM.

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TK's acting choice to sit down on the floor was interesting, to say the least (lol).  I think the pregnancy/paternity reveal and resolution happened too fast also but I think B&B probably felt desperate to provide some movement on something after so many stalled storylines.  


Kind of seems like a mistake to not cultivate Thomas' character a bit more, maybe even build a more solid friendship between Caroline and Thomas so that there would be more of an inner conflict with Caroline when Ridge suggests that they never tell Thomas the truth.  Caroline protested a little but her argument about Thomas being her friend rang hollow to me.  


There is one possibility that might interest me, if they take this route-- if Brooke places herself in the Stephanie role.  Remember when Brooke was preggars with Deacon's baby and didn't want anyone (least of all Bridget) to find out?   I don't expect Brooke to be as judgemental and rough as Stephanie but perhaps maybe while people expect Brooke to blab, she actually becomes oddly supportive to Caroline-- and then support turns to controlling behavior on Brooke's part.  Of course, when the truth comes out, fingers may point to Brooke because perhaps Brooke has expressed to Caroline that these secrets always come out and continues to try to get her to consider telling the truth- but it'd be more interesting if the truth were revealed to Thomas through Steffy, or some unexpected source.

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Maya's transgender went nowhere fast..and just disappeared….Rick's reaction was nonexistent 

Ally's death was a complete joke and had nothing to do with her illness or Throne(her father)

And now we have this…Caroline upset took some pills with wine?? And she didnt know what it would do to her? Really….then Thomas walks in and they sleep together…just awful lazy writing IMO.

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Anyone else think that Steffy comes across as the older sibling? Im not even going by the ages of the actors or looks but Thomas just plays off as immature and whiny and they have Steffy as confident, professional  and for the most part rationale right now.Their scenes this week came across as a sister schooling her little brother. He needs to grow up

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Yes, Steffy does come off as the elder sibling.  I definitely think that Thomas' character is underdeveloped and  the result is the he comes off as being immature.  This entire storyline with him being Caroline's baby daddy is being rushed and I really think it's all on account of B&B hitting the panic button due to all their other storylines going absolutely nowhere.  This one seems like it too will come to a screeching halt sooner or later.

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Yep THIS! It's stupid that they cast someone like 4 years younger than JMW & LG for an OLDER character


My guess it's cause Thomas' return has overall flopped. and the stuff with Caro & creeper has flopped too. I'd be very surprised if PF was still on the show a year from now. BB doesn't seem interested in writing Thomas anything but a shallow creepy douchebag rapist

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Yeah, big mistake in the leery way Thomas has been written.  I still think it's connected to them not taking the time to develop the character and failing to let things unfold organically. 


There needs to be a twist somewhere in this storyline.  Maybe Caroline recalls what happened in bed with Thomas and to her horror recalls that she was the aggressor in bed.  Something to backtrack on the image of Thomas that they've created.  Instead of making him a charismatic cad, they make him look like an ogre and not the Shrek kind either.  Either fix the character or send him back to Paris.

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I dont know if I mentioned it on here but they should just make Thomas a villian. He doesnt need to be a good guy. His tirade against Ridge last week exhibited potential for a darker character and if the show wanted to give him solid characterization, they should go all in

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They could make him a villain but if they make him look like a rapist or even any hint of him taking advantage of a woozy, drugged up Caroline, his character will be very limited in the long run.  I'm all for dark characters but give them complexity.  If they write him too far to the dark side, he won't be a fully viable character.  Anyway, JMO but I don't think BB is good enough of a writer to pull off a villain who won't be marginalized in the long term story-wise.   Then He'll only try to rehab Thomas' character eventually anyway.

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 At TK and KKL's ages this is less of a problem than people in their 20's. PF just acts younger overall. Steffy definitely comes off as the older, wiser person. 

Right now IMO, they have made Thomas too much of a creeper for me to like him. At the very least they could have at least had Caroline act like she consented in full or even half. That way there could have been some true discussion of how the events can be interpreted. Right now, it just looks like borderline rape to me and I can't believe they have Caroline in denial about that. Thomas might not have went to  her hotel room to have sex, but he sure as hell went there to take advantage of the fact that Ridge had just dumped her. 

I do agree that they need to get this part of Thomas fixed. I don't mind making him dark-ish but this boundary problem Thomas has with women needs to be fixed, and soon. It's not a good idea for a legacy kid to be all half rapey..


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The thing that makes me laugh is that Thomas called Ridge out for all of the screwing around he did way back when.  Thomas and Caroline was definitely creeper action, but his sleeping with the intern didn't seem like anything wrong.  She was of age. That just seemed like trying to get Caroline out of his system.  Ridge never apologized BITD for screwing everyone in the building...

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