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Blind Items talk

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I don't know if it's actually EB, but he's always the first one who pops in my head when thy say actors who gets his way...I was thinking maybe they were gonna have Victor hook up with someone new cause with what's goin on with Nikki it wouldn't surprise me.

It's probably someone else though.

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I'm pretty sure the injections thing is NLG, and it is because she already admitted it. That's how crappy their blind items are. I'm also fairly certain the cast bloodbath will be Days. I can't imagine Higley trying to make something out of Ben and Clyde. I hope she is smart enough to keep Paul though.

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Exactly. Higley AND Griffith both wrote for Archer AND DePaiva. Doesn't guarantee them safety but it doesn't mean they are the first to go either. I think both actresses fit in well and it's the writing that's been the problem. DePaiva hasn't gotten much praise around the boards but I think she often does a great job with Eve and the writing they give her. The problem with Archer as Serena was that everyone and their mother knew she'd be a perfect fit, in numerous ways, as Sarah, yet she was brought in as Serena likely so she could be paired with Daniel (which Sarah couldn't be unless they did away with the egg-baby nonsense). Soooo stupid.

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