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GH: March 2015 Discussion Thread

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Too many freaking babies. Every scene either had a baby or was about a baby. I wish they all would be written out along with the 14 other children who weren't on today.

I have been on a GH break since the Fluke story ended. Roger "I have no talent" Howarth has been on non-stop and now he was sharing scenes with TG. Since as a rule I FF every scene he is in I was now FFing the only story I was interested in so I sort of skipped the last few episodes. The Michael anger was good but the whole story is ruined because it is about baby 502 of a series (collect them all!) and I got all my child drama needs out of the zillion episodes last week starring Spencer, Emma and whoever.

Any soap that has more children than adults is by definiton crap, and this show has a good dozen characters under 18. It is enough.

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I disagree completely. A character being on doesn't mean they are in a story. Carly was on screen non-stop for 15 years but I am hard pressed to name a single story she actually had outside of sweeps events. She was just on discussing her usual BS every day.

This was an actual story, a mystery about Fluke. It had some dramatic structure to it, red herrings, good vs evil elements, and involved many characters from Ric and Liz all the way to Julian and Jordan to Tracy and back again. The story ended but Luke still has to have something going on. I liked the mystery a lot and I (and most people who ventured a guess on this site) was clueless almost up until the very end. The villain was caught, the story was ended. Luke getting therapy really isn't a story but it might be interesting. I don't see anybody on GH currently involved in a story, just a lot of characters discussing what they think of each other. That was GH's idea of a story since 2001 but that really isn't a story.

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I dont see what your first paragraph has to do with anything. I didnt state that Luke is in a story simply bc he is on screen. Its simple. His story has not been resolved. He's been this crimelord in PC for the past couple of years and we have no idea why? We still havent been given any answers as to whats going on with him. Does he have DID? Did he just snap? Whats the source of his crazy? Why is he after Sonny? This is all stuff that goes back to what we have been watching onscreen the past year or so. The story is ongoing

No one on this show is in a storyline? People are in storylines. Whether they are in good ones is a different issue. But if you think this show has no storylines then theres nothing more to say here

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