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GH: March 2015 Discussion Thread

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And it's not that I even care that much for Brad and Lucas, I'm just saying it seems so rare to see any scenes of people interacting when it's not plot related. Hard to explain. Liked the scenes not so much because of Brad and Lucas but because it seems so rare to get scenes like that anymore.

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They have one?blink.png I sometimes think it only plays in Ron's mind and we get peanuts on screen. They could be written out tomorrow and I wouldn't even miss them or even give a damn.wink.png It pisses me off when Valentini gets on Twitter and praises them to the hills and they are so poorly written as characters and even more as a couple.

Say what you will about Guy's awful portrayal as Will and how the reason for their breakup was lame but at least we actually saw a gay couple cheating on each other on screen with actual problems because one asks like a child still…..GH treats its gay characters as some joke with punch lines from the Golden Girls…and brings them on screen when they remember them and then pimp them on Twitter of course they pimp their whole damn awful show on Twitter….seriously Ron and Frank act like school girls that gossip about how hot and sexy both are…ugh.

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wth is Morgan acting like Sonny the best father ever? Has he forgotten that Avery is a product of Sonny backstabbing him by f--king his gf? Just a few months ago, he hated his guts just as much as Michael currently does. How can he have no empathy?

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Saw and literally LMFAO at Morgan & the rest of the happy fam deciding to order pizza & unwind after that bombshell happened.

I seriously am really taken by Bryan Craig though. Can they give him & Morgan his own story soon?

I was watching some older clips to get up to speed on Ava/Kiki, etc. How in the world is Kiki able to be cordial with Sonny after he was aiming for her mother to be killed over a stretch of time. The Ava/Sonny/Avery/Kiki angle is completely baffling to me; I can't believe this has all happened!

I also can't with Kiki apologizing for not committing a crime for Sonny? WTF?

Michael is the boss & reason to watch. Wow. Never thought I'd say that about Bambi but here I am. The "AJ" thing will never get old. What a triumph. LOL

Nathan & Nina - Siblings? Wow. I just don't believe it. Those scenes were soo weird for me to watch. Like how is that actor still on the show?

What's the latest on Johnny Z. he still in town?

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