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GH: March 2015 Discussion Thread

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Ava: "I was shot & fell off a bridge but i'm making quite a remarkable recovery I think" LOL that really happened? Also I thought she was Chelsea Handler when I first saw her and I kept getting fooled.

Oh, she has lymphoma? The ripped from Wikipedia dialogue and insistence on it being "advanced" was riveting.

Did Spinelli just leap out of a pond somewhere? Is there a reason he looks so disheveled & gross or is this the usual shoddy hair/makeup we get now. Oh wait NVM, someone combed his hair and cleaned him up a bit by the third act...cool.

Lulu's flawless

Maxie & Nathan literally said the same thing in every scene they had.

Kill me but I thought Stafford was good. I got a kick out of her crazy Nina. Franco I still find insufferable. I can't get past this boneheaded recast & shift in character.


^^ Bryan, Laura & Maurice doing their damnest to keep a straight face & stay in character as they looked on @ this struggle Kiki actress.

Her acting is dreadful; And a very different kind of dreadful than KA's. She's literally rehearsing her lines in front of us and it's embarrassing. This is like class for her. Horrid

Meanwhile, Bryan (Morgan) is so much better than I remember. He's great. Not sure if it was more a directorial or acting choice but I loved how Morgan could barely make eye contact with Michael when he was talking to him at the beginning of their scenes.

Yeah, that ending was fantastic. I had to see it. AJ Quartermaine. LMAO! May stick with this for a while, I'm interested in seeing how it pans out

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Still loving Scummy's karma!!!!!

Unfortunately, this won't last long as the set up for Michael's downfall is underway. Many incorrectly interpreted the scene of Carly "willing" to go to jail in Scummy's name. That was not what the scene was about. Sadly, it was to show how low Michael will sink. He was going to have his mother thrown in jail to get to Scummy. Carly was pissed and wanted to see just how far Michael would take it (sometimes, you just gotta watch yourself). WHEN Michael goes down, it will be painful. And of course, Scummy will look good while it happens. I'm gonna puke!

AICYMI, moRon went out of his way to show us that Scummy will do anything for Carly without actually doing it. This mofo was like, I'm gonna tell Michael where AJ is. I'm gonna tell him...I'm gonna tell him. STFU and tell him! MAGGOT! Scummy stans still trying to convince themselves that Scummy went to jail for Carly. Um, no! Scummy went to jail because he murdered someone and confessed on a hidden recorder.

Poor Morgan :( Brian is really growing as an actor and not just shouting into the air, and look at what he's given?

Ava's dying?

Maxie and Mr. Roboto

Nina, FrankenTodd, Fluke

Spin, Tracy, Lulu

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Bryan Craig is a decent actor, but everything they give Morgan is so foul. The way he treats his brother and stans for Sonny is disgusting and pathetic. When it's Morgan's romantic problems he wants to rip his garments and howl to the moon and go work for Julian Jerome and play with toy guns, but when Michael's father is murdered Morgan needs you to get over it, bro!

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Doesn't it just make you all warm and fuzzy that Sonny's enablers are holding hands and supporting him during all of this. I was about ready for them to break into kumbaya. Ugh. nuKiki is just awful.

LOL @ pop up Olivia and Felicia. Always nice to actually SEE Felicia!

I couldn't care less about Spinelli but I have to LOL at how Ron's running the bus over him to prop the pet. I hope their stans don't think this is a real triangle.

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If they really wanted to play this drama, they'd be honest about who Sonny is and what he is doing. Have him lose his grip (and his meds) and go all-out against Michael, seeing him as A.J. reborn. Turn it into a real war for over a year. Have Carly and eventually even Morgan turn away from him (because no Carly - Laura's included - would ever side with Sonny over Michael for the sake of getting some dick). Let him become the delusional villain. That would be great story, but Ron is either too disinterested and distracted by his own pets (Franco, Nina, etc.) to play it, or the network won't allow it, or both.

And by the way, it's criminal how someone - whether it's Frank Valentini or the network or even Ron - has decided the hope for Michael Easton's future lies in shackling Maura West to his side. Ava is a great villain but she is not meant to be crying and weeping in rags or prison jumpsuits. She's meant to be dressed to the nines and scheming in swag digs, not hanging off a wooden, over-the-hill heartthrob who has no interest in performing.

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Michael stuff is the ONLY good thing about this crapfest of a show. Now he needs to twist the knife harder and Name her Avery Jerome QUARTERMAINE ;):D

Tracy and Avery scene was cute. That's the Tracy I like, not the one who ReRon dumbed down for the FLuke stupidity

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You could even kick this all off for real at the next sweeps: Weird NuKiki becomes collateral damage during a mob hit as a result of Sonny's own machinations against Michael and/or the Jeromes! He killed his kid's own sister! And then after a year of this bloodshed - including a vengeful Ava siding with Michael, or something - we finally find out what I have known all along, which is, guess what, Carly switched the [!@#$%^&*] tests! This kid is Morgan's, and Carly switched the results because she unilaterally decided Morgan wasn't ready to have kids. I firmly believe that to be the truth.

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