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General Hospital SEPTEMBER 2014 Discussion

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Victor forced nothing! He dangled Saint Jason under Snobin's nose. She was forced but was given a few days to say goodbye and sex up her hubby? Okie dokie. As for Carly/Robin, I didn't give 2 shits about Carly in 99!. I'm just going by what ACTUALLY transpired onscreen. Princess Robin agreed to resurrect the dangerous Cassadines in exchange for being given THE PRIVILEGE of reviving Jason. It was on your screen too!

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Did anyone else laugh yesterday when Rocco started crying as soon as Lulu held him? He was cool as a cucumber with Nik but started wailing as soon as Lulu touched him. I don't think it's the first time this has happened either. Perhaps they're foreshadowing a future storyline where Rocco hates his mom for being so obsessed with having another baby literally the day after she got him.

Britt's new haircut looked better yesterday.

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I didn't notice Rocco crying but I thought the "homecomings" were very nicely done. Lawd! Who am I and what happened to Andrea? I'm not supposed to be liking this stuff!

As for Britta's new haircut, I liked it last week. This week, I'm a bit confused. Why does she look like a biker dyke from hell? That shirt did her no favors!

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I'm with you Andrea, I'm semi-liking most of what's going on at the moment. No Nina has been nice and a plus.

Biker dyke from hell. LMAO. Dead.

I liked the homecomings but they sure glossed over everything. Mac couldn't wait to jump on Maxie about Nathan. LOL. I'm really enjoying Felicia, even if she's not given much Kristina does well with it and you can't help but like Felicia.

I LOL'd at Rocco crying when Lulu took him from Nikolas. He probably doesn't even remember her at this point she's always kidnapped, lol.

I really enjoyed Alexis and Ned too. Yuck at Julian though. So disgustingly obnoxious. I'm sure Alexis will be back on his peen soon enough. LOL at Olivia's clear jealously over Ned having a date with Alexis. She definitely likes him.

I'm so over Sonny and Shawn having the same millionth conversation about Ava. Lord. Did anyone else laugh at Sonny when he was all in Julian's face and Mo was stammering over his words. Retire, please.

Morgan and Ava was alright. What's the deal with her baby? Does she lose it? Does Nina snatch it?

And OMG at bitchy Sabrina. I prefer it but it's already annoying. I hope she leaves after this. Becky looked good yesterday IMO.

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Wait wait wait? Who's arguing about whose idea it was? NO ONE! The point we are making is that Robin made a deal to resurrect Helz and Stav, unleash them on PC and the world in exchange for Jason and was not forced to walk away from her family with Victor! So yeah, I hate when folks ignore what was onscreen just because its their fav!

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She didn't, though - she had no intention of reviving them. And said so.

Jordan the cop is for the birds. I prefer Jordan with the new hair and better clothes telling people off. Don't a lot of DEA agents/undercover narcotics cops spend their time living the high life with their targets' wares? That's what they should be doing with that character - glamour, questionable morality and more telling people off. Having her in the PCPD sounds boring as hell.

Julian is such a smug dick, but it works perfectly for the character. His scene with Alexis yesterday sneering about Ned and saying "nothing compares to me" pretty much encapsulates the guy, but that's what she likes about him. If only they'd let these charactrs off the leash.

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Morgan looks like a werewolf


Someone needs to hit the gym. Seriously, was there any reason for him to spend the entire episode shirtless? There was nothing to see here


Finally a hot Asian on this show. Move over Brad. He almost looked like Zander at first to me

Delia has ties to the Irish mob? Is that a retcon or was she connected to them on RH?

It took a few years but Im glad the Luke stuff is finally moving along

if that's the case then it makes absolutely NO sense. Victor gave her access to Jason to revive him and it was ALWAYS the intention that her work on him would be used to revive the Cassadines. What was she going to do? Swallow the formula so they couldn't get their hands on it? Did she think she could revive Jason, walk out of the clinic with him, and nothing she had done would be used on the Cassadines,, as was agreed to? If she did, then she is the biggest dummy in the state

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