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General Hospital SEPTEMBER 2014 Discussion

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Where's this forcing thing coming from? Robin's deal with Victor was one of the few things that was ONSCREEN. Jason in exchange for Stavsh!t and Helz, and it was pretty damn selfish on Robin's part to be totally honest. But I don't expect folks who have this little heffa so high on her pedastal to understand the gravity of what she did. Robin has always been a self righteous little bitch who thinks what she does is ok because its [resurrecting a hitman] for the greater good.

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quartermainefan, Victor and his goons muscled his way in on Robin and left her with little choice: resurrect Jason or let him die. Victor's objective was to synthesize Robin's protocol in order to resurrect his family. Had she still said no re: Jason, we have zero indication that he would not have followed through on his veiled threats to her family, which he did make, and imprison her anyway. When she did say no later on, he did just that - had Rafe mow down Patrick, Emma and Sabrina, then had Robin herself locked up. Helena is now doing the same. I watched all the same scenes you did, day after day, and AFAIC Robin has been first a virtual then an actual prisoner the whole time. You don't agree, it's really not my problem.

(As for Chit, she just hates Robin on principle and I respect that though I don't agree with it. Robin gave Carly what she deserved back in '99!)

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You say yourself she had a choice, and the choice was to let Jason die. She knew letting him die would mean the end for Helena and Stavros and that was her real choice: do I let Jason die to be rid of the Cassadines? She chose no. Had she gone right to Anna and Robert and blown the whistle on Victor and his plans, that would have been the end of that even though it would have meant the end of Jason. Robin clearly decided having Helena around was just a price the world would have to pay for her having Jason around. Lulu being kidnapped by Stavros? Robin. Cameras in her house and Emma threatened? Robin again. She should have been a hero, which means making the hard choice and sacrifice, and let her hitman boyfriend die so the evil Cassadines die too.

And of course, look at who Robin sacrificed everything for...a guy who kills people for a living. There is no nobility in that. Robin just reverted back to 1998/99 and made a very poor decision as she once again put Jason up on a pedestal he does not deserve. It's funny how the show has spent the last however many years pretending it is Jason and Sam, or Liz or Carly that is the important woman in his life, but these last few years have shown again and again it is Robin who is Jason's partner in life. They have spent the last seven years saving each other again and again, putting each other before everyone else. Patrick is a poor second for Robin.

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Maybe you didn't read the original post or actually watch the show, so, one more time:

Victor knew Robin was his only ticket for reviving Helena and Stavros. Failure to enlist her was not an option. He muscled his way into her home with his goons, told her about Jason and then 'offered' her the choice while indicating that should she refuse, he could easily make her and her family's lives forfeit. In reality, he soon made it clear there would be no choice. When Robin tried to go home, he had Rafe assault Patrick, Emma and Sabrina's vehicle on the road to keep her in line. When she tried to flee after working on Jason and not bother with the Cassadines, Victor outright locked her up and used the protocol himself to revive Helena and Stavros. Not Robin, who unfortunately has had virtually all agency taken from her since the day Ron Carlivati took over the show, in order to keep her in reserve for occasional reunions while passive-aggressively attempting to diminish her character with these false choices so that her man can be romantically paired in the interim. (And I'm fine with Patrick and Sam being paired - I am not fine with how they're treating Robin in the process.)

And no, IMO Anna and Robert could not have gotten Victor locked up at that juncture - this was made clear by the WSB freezing both the Scorpios out on high level affairs, because Victor was running the WSB. Robert had no power anymore with him in charge.

And yeah, Jason and Robin have a deep connection. But Robin would never have entered into as restrictive an arrangement as Victor forced on her willingly - the threat against her family was implicit from Day 1. When she rebelled against its oppressive terms, he assaulted her family on the road. When she tried to escape, he locked her away.

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