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Y&R: August 2014 Discussion Thread

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How would this be worth her while exactly? The character is unrecognizable from where she left Kelly. It would take a lot longer than a few short stints to fix what's gone wrong with Kelly. Cynthia would probably prefer being on a beach sipping drinks than dealing with the terrible writing for Kelly. I know if I were her, I would no longer think it worth my time.

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You know, seeing JG back as Grace only highlights the injustice of that bland Donna (B&B) left to hunt after a disgusting old man. I was going through Grace's history with Nick and realized that before Phyllis - Grace pretty much filled that exact same role - when Nick & Sharon are having problems, Nick goes looking for comfort. Funny how that leopard doesn't get the same grief Sharon did for stepping out or hooking up. I'd love to see Grace back on Y&R. (Plus I'd love to see JG & GT tangle it up!)

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I would be down for a story where Grace seduces and then actually becomes enamored with poor, young, impressionable Noah. It would rock Sharon's life to realize the woman who came between her and her husband is now involved with their son.

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Would you guys kill me if I suggested it would be fun to maybe put Grace in the Lauren/Michael stuff and have him cheat on Lauren with her?? It would make sense since I thought they were friends during the Cassie stuff and Lauren and Grace sparring may be fun?

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I find it funny that even the possibility of Grace, of all people, is so enticing in such a parched, desperate soap.

Oh, that would be great. But it would be more fun if Noah went after her and she kept turning him down until she couldn't resist anymore, no?

Grace and Michael were way more than just friends but she ended up despising him by the end. Getting back with him would take some time, at the very least. lol

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Actually, it would, although I certainly would play for awhile with the question of whether her resistance was legit. But if and when Nick and Sharon were to find out about the affair, Grace could insist it was never her intention to bed Noah and mean it. (Whether or not the family would believe her claims would be another matter entirely.)

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IMO, Y&R's problem right now is that they lack a character or storyline that really grabs you by the throat. Even Victor's actions have been somewhat lackluster lately -- and BITD, if nothing else, you could count on Victor to get people talking.

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Yes, that's exactly it. :) Seeing Grace hesitate between bedding Noah and not creating more drama would be more interesting than Slut!!!Grace. And there's all tons of fun to be had from Grace being accused of something she really didn't do.

Who are we kidding? Y&R lacks in everything!!! (Except maybe sets).

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Yeah it's def a story that would need to take it's time playing out, but I was thinking since something is Up (or not up, haha) with Michael and Lauren's sex life, what if Grace suddenly just appeared in Michael's life, eventually forgave him for whatever went down in the past and something just sparkles between the 2.....

In a way it would get Michael back to some of his earlier roots cause he will just end up blaming Lauren for the Carmine stuff to justify sleeping with Grace.

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