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Tyler Perry's 'If Loving You Is Wrong'


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Ed has a cocaine addiction. WTF?!? Since when?

I have to repeat but Im LOVING Marcie and Kelly this season. Marcie was killing me in her confrontation with Alex and Kelly is a great supporting character

Evelyn Lozada feels so irrelevant with no storyline this season

Too bad we didnt see the birth of the baby bc I wanted to see people's looks when a black baby was pushed out of Alex, "Yes. He's black"

Marcie said she's been trying to get Randall to sign the papers for months. Huh? The premiere opened up literally where the finale last year ended and its barely been a few weeks since then

Alex and Brad's kids are cute but they are reminding me of GH kids. On way too much with too many lines. I wish they had been sent to Grandma's house so we could be done with them

Edited by Cheap21
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It's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Brad had me LMAO! Telling Ese that he'd have to explain to Eddie why he ran over his wife. Their shocked expressions were hilarious.

I didn't know Eddie and Alex were cousins... I like how that never came up until now.

Marcie and Brad's mother was hilarious.

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that woman is Randall's mom? She looks like Marcie. That old lady had some nerve


Eddie and Alex are cousins? Since when? 3 seasons in and I dont think thats EVER been brought up. I cant even recall them having a one on one scene


LOL at Natalie threatening to slice  Randall's ass up.


Who is the guy playing the rookie cop? He looks so familiar. I cant beleive Eddie shot his hand off

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LOL Cheap! I always love your assessments of  shows.

SHe does look more like Marcie than Randall and I was LMAO at how long she stayed on that porch and how Brad said he didn't remember her.


Right! Sometimes I think they pull sh!t out their asses, but I mean he did say he stopped claiming her but even BEFORE it was outed that she's scandalous he wasn't claiming her. Plus, they never mentioned anything about their kids being related. I'm still stuck on stupid with that reveal. O_o

Hahaha and those little slices she did. I want a knock down drag out brawl with her and Randall or Quan.

Rookie Cop is hilarious. Wait, was Eddie actually having sex with that girl earlier or did he want it to look like that if Ese walked in? I mean that really wouldn't help his love/I want you back cause. 

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