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General Hospital July 2014 Discussion

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I don't care about Rafe--don't get me wrong--but it just sorta pointed out what horrible, self absorbed (even by soap standards) characters like Silas are. Seriously--you don't notice that the kid living with you has apparently been not just doing lines of cocaine (EVERYWHERE, even in parks, and constantly--not just at random parties or something) AND shooting up heroine, for, I have to assume, several months now??

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To be fair, I do know a number of gay guys my age or younger who have mentioned the show. Not in that much detail, but... (It actually felt like an odd rip off the similar Golden Girls mention on Looking earlier this year--though that at least felt somewhat natural and relateable.) However, when they brought up Knots Landing... I mean, I'm a huge Knots fan but you can't even get most of it on DVD--I don't know anyone, outside of soap forums, my age (early 30s) or younger who ever watched it... And Murder She Wrote? Aren't these gay guys meant to be sorta late 20s-ish? Do they only watch 80s tv shows?

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I know a lot of younger people who love Golden Girls, either because they grew up with it or because one of the women reminds them of a grandmother they had or wanted. I've developed a fondness for it since the passing of my maternal grandmother, who was a fabulous blend of Blanche and Sophia. She was Sicilian, she loved to tell "I remember when" stories, and since she was the Sicilian-American Joan Collins they were frequently about ogling guys and having sex. It was awesome, especially since my mom was basically June Cleaver only more prim and repressed. Every time Gran would start telling one of her stories about how hot Marines were back in the '40's, my mom would turn bright red and try to cover my ears.

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Trust me...I'm not defending Carlivati by any means but The Golden Girls had a very diverse audience when it originally aired. And its popularity with audiences continue to this day. A few years back, there was an acting troupe in NYC that performed reenactments of episodes, until it got shut down for copyright infringement. The show is immensely popular with the LGBT crowd. Back in 2005, The Gold Dust Orphans performed a spoof titled The Golden Squirrels in Provincetown, MA. It was brilliant. It was performed by an all-male cast. The tag line was "Four women, eight nuts." The show actually gave me the idea for my play, which I later adapted into a novel. (It's a serious piece set behind the scenes of a live production of The Golden Girls). This summer, the amazing drag queen Varla Jean Merman is mounting a spoof in Provincetown called The Golden Gals. I saw it back in June and it was very good. The gals are played by four men, including the brilliant Ryan Landry who is a playwright and actor. He portrayed Dorothy in Golden Squirrels and in this production. And the audience was very diverse -- lots of gays and straights in attendance. See below for a link about the show.

All of that said, the GH scenes between Lucas, Brad, and Felix were so cringeworthy and the writing so juvenile that I turned the show off.


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Golden Girls is popular with young and old. It ran on Lifetime in reruns for like a decade and was extremely popular. Comedy is comedy to me, I don't care how old any of the stars were/are.

And I have no comment on how Ron chose to use it on GH. I really, truly, cannot stand him.

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I watch GG to this day! Sometimes, it's like I'm seeing the eppies for the first time. Logo now plays GG marathons on Friday and Saturday nights.

As far as foreplay? That's just moRon trying to be clever because after all, he and Frank have revitalized the genre blink.pngblink.pngblink.png

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I used to be that way. Now I just find him pathetic and boring. It does break my heart, however, that at a time when there are only four soaps left, one of them is in the hands of someone who is such a poor writer and completely unprofessional businessperson (for lack of a better term.)

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U can expect Ron to be here for many more years considering the glow words the bigtime boss said. it's so awesome how behind GH ABC is now. What's so crazy is how little money in marketing ABC spent for this increase. It's just awesome. Paul Lee considers GH as lucrative as Scandal and Greys which are his loves.

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