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Y&R: David Tom Fired! Replacement Announced...

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Well, I've been thinking about that as it would relate to other couples if one half of them were recast, like Shick, Victor & Nikki, Lauren and Michael, etc., and I just don't see why a show should change everything because of one actor's inability to do his job.

What do you think DT brings to the role that is so great to warrant such a shake-up? Especially if he was hired with the understanding that Villy would continue?

You guys love DT way more than I love BM.

Could it be that you want Villy to end more than you care about who is in the role of Billy? IOW, you dislike AH more than you like any actor who could portray Billy?

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A long time ago, in a soap galaxy far, far away, I wanted to see what could have happened had Victoria, as played by HT, hooked up with, yes, Jack Abbott. If it had been done right, I reasoned it could have been provocative on two levels: as an envelope-pushing, May-December romance (and yes, I realize this has become modus operandi for Y&R, and it's nauseating as hell to watch these days; but I'm talking mid- or late-'90's, when Papa Bell and his hand-picked team were still around, and things like this were dealt with more maturely and honestly, so go with me here); and as a saga about a powerful multi-millionaire (Victor) who would stop at nothing to keep his precious daughter (Victoria) from becoming involved with his sworn nemesis (Jack).

Again, though, that's what I envisioned on paper. If I had been Papa Bell and I had decided to try that story, I wouldn't have fired either Heather Tom or Peter Bergman because I wanted "Vack" and nothing else. I'd have tried it, and if it didn't work right away for whatever reason -- lack of chemistry, viewers' squeamishness over the age disparity, whatever -- I'd change course and move on.

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That depends on the "job" you have hired the actor for. If an actor were hired with the expressed purpose of selling a particular couple to the audience and he/she cannot because they have no chemistry with their on-screen partner, then yes, you need to replace him or her with an actor who does share romantic chemistry. However, as I've said up-thread, that would be a short-sighted move to make, because it suggests TPTB judge an actor or character's value to the show strictly in terms of whether they can generate "heat," both on-screen and with the viewers, with one other, specific person. Frankly, it's that kind of super-couple mentality that has ruined Y&R in particular, and much of the genre as a whole.

I say, hire an actor to see what he or she lends to the role that is unique and if they happen to share chemistry with the character's current love interest, great. But if they don't...? Then take a step back and see where else you can take them. I, for one, would have been interested to see whether DT could make a "go" of being paired with MCE, whom he claims to have enjoyed working with. And I say that as someone who has thus far found little about MCE or Chelsea that I would classify as "exciting."

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DT is unable at this point and time to play the matured, older version of Billy who is going through extreme emotional turmoil.

Marcy Rylan was still taking acting lessons when she was on Y&R as Abby. (I don't know if she has since then.) Maybe DT can too. He was great portraying a teenager. I didn't watch him on his more recent shows, so I don't know if he was unable physically to do emotional stuff like he is doing on Y&R now. It seems to me that Billy's angst is going to continue. And also, watching his BIlly and Victoria, it really looked like she was trying very hard to make it work. And then he would continue to act like a little boy having a tantrum. They just do not look right together because of his inability to control his face and arms. Would he bring that to any other pairing? I tend to think so, unless he was with someone much younger mand just as immature like Mariah. But the show wants Billy and Victoria to stay together...? How long have they been together? They have Johnny and history. They (and Abby) are the tie that binds the Abbotts with the Newmans.

I see that you don't understand where I am coming from, and I have tried, but I don't see where you guys are coming from. So, I am out and will just agree to disagree.

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Not necessarily. I want someone good to portray Billy Abbott. Now, maybe DT is not the world's greatest thespian, but he's certainly better, IMO, than every other actor who's been in the role thus far. And that includes Filler Miller. (Thank you, Carl, lol.)

Let me put it this way: by no means do I consider AH to be even a serviceable actress. But if you hand me a Billy or any love interest who simply makes her come alive on-screen, then I'm willing to re-assess my opinions about her. As it is, she has been on Y&R for close to a decade and I still wonder what she brings to this show aside from memories of all the "before" pictures in those long-ago shampoo commercials.

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*bark bark bark*

I do care more about Villy ending and was hoping that DT's lack of chemistry with AH would end that show hogging couple for good! That's the only reason I am upset about this. And i dont mind admitting it. I have never had any real love for the character Billy or DT. I was a little interested when he was with Chloe and back in the day with Mac but that was all because of the ladies.

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It's not about this at all. Y&R is a show that has had supercouples, but NO couple has been the end all to this show until they pushed all the Bell people out and started imitating a ABC soap. And Shick, Victor & Nikki and even Michael & Lauren are actual supercouples, Villy is a recent pairing that didn't have the same impact those others did.

Couples like Shick, Niktor, etc. were able to be broken up for YEARS and have other equally popular pairings like Jack & Nikki in the 90s or Phick more recently. Christine and Danny were a supercouple, but so were Christine and Paul. You see what I mean? Y&R was never that show where one pairing was the end all.

And yes I will admit I dislike Amelia Heinle because she lacks charisma and is miscast as Victoria. She is part of the premiere family in Genoa City and should be played by a better actor. People dog out Joshua Morrow, but he was perfectly cast and fits his role perfectly. When he is asked to deliver a dramatic performance he delivers. She is the one person who stands out as a disaster in that family. Prior to Villy she had NO FANS. They had Gina Tognoni publicly talking about how she was offered the role of Victoria WHILE Heinle is in the role. THAT is how unpopular she was that they can openly try to recast because she sucks so bad. I don't think one pairing is enough to warrant throwing out history to make Villy work.

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I'm going here the problem is with AH and has been since she showed up in 2005. AH is a compotent actress in supporting roles (Steffi, Loving;, Mia, AMC) however IMO AH cant play a lead character and I feel that her nine years of boring me to tears proves she cant rise to the ocassion

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It isn't Amelia's fault they purposely miscast the role of Victoria for this boring "new direction," but I do blame her for the sleepwalking performances. It's just a shame none of the previous attempts to recast her worked.

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I feel Victoria should be a businesswoman as she was written by Bell and his team. She can still be a good mom, but the Victoria I remember was savvy and had a brain. This "version" of Victoria is weak and whiny. Where is her strength? No matter who they put opposite her, it doesn't work. DT is another piece of AH's collateral damage to co-stars.

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That's actually kind of patronizing, but I know you didn't mean it that way.

I seriously gagged when I heard the news DT was going to play Billy. I was shocked myself when I found some enjoyment in select scenes. So no. I don't think I just got used to him. I think he was well placed in Chloe's story and works very well with MCE. But if Adam is returning, I don't see DT's Billy as any challenge to Adam. I hate Victoria but accept that she isn't going anywhere, nor is AH. So assuming the recast recast is stronger I think it was probably the right decision. I'm kind of wondering if he (nuBilly) was originally intended to be nuAdam. And other circumstances BTS factored into the decision.

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