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GH: May 2014 Discussion Thread

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I'm a James Franco, Franco fan so I remember...

Yes Aiden' hospital ID tag around his wrist was 66 something that's why Liz was included when RH's Franco first came on (his Port Charles residents meet and greet) because he kidnapped her son and gave him away. But Lucky got the meat of the storyline while Liz was just crying, worrying with little else. Lucky went to Seattle to Karen's house to retrieve him.

Franco also went on a killing spree on Route 66; among quite a few, he killed a nun or some nuns or something like that. If I recall they were on a tour bus or something.

I was suprised he didn't kidnap Monica too since the Quartermaine mansion is 66 Harbor View Road but of course Monica can't get a storyline but I thought that to get at Jason Monica should have been kidnapped moreso than LuLu. Carly/Jacks' address is 1066 Harbor Drive so her address has 66 in it too...but that angle was never played up.

Ok so this played out like this.

TJ's storyline? Didn't he get some scenes with Shawn, then Jordan then the both of them?

Carly found out about Lucas and visited him off screen, Olivia told Carly about Sonny sleeping with Ava off screen during a commercial break. Olivia told Carly Sonny slept with Ava onscreen then during the commercial I guess the particulars were discussed ... laugh.png

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YRBB pretty much sums up my thoughts on everything going on with this show.

The problem is you can smell what's happening coming a mile away. Gee, who didn't see the Ava thing, or Anna busting in on Ric and Liz coming?

The show is just dreadfully predictable. Nothing matters. How can you invest in any of this?

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Finally. So now what?

Why did they even bother breaking up those last two segments with Sonny and Ava? We knew exactly what she was going to say. Don't let your audience get ahead of you, all momentum is lost.

Has JE addressed audience reaction to the way in which Tracy's been written as of late?

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