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GH: May 2014 Discussion Thread

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"Unless you're dating a serial killer!" Ha! And Carly had nothing to say. Ric should have smashed a glass in Franco's face.

Even Jane Elliott sounds like she can't believe what she's saying anymore when Tracy talks about how much she trusts Luke.

Liz should never ever wear that strapless dress again. Ever. Hideous! But she and Ric are perfect together.

Anna and Dante are hot together. Finola and Dominic have SO much chemistry!

My dislike for Ava is known but I can't believe she took Sonny's "threats" at face value. Their confrontation was so OTT and cheesy.

Does Luke really think his come ons are charming instead of creepy and sickening?

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I cannot with Franco. They slowly ease me (aka dumb me down) into forgetting he's a serial killer but every time someone else brings it up, I'm like, OH RIGHT. He's "Dexter," except worse. He got pleasure out of watching the life go out of an innocent person's eyes, by bringing their journey on this planet to a premature end, thus causing unending torment for countless family members and friends...oh and the kicker, got off to getting a kid raped in prison! But it's all okay, because he cracks jokes and looks like Todd Manning! Words fail me how revolted I truly am.

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James Franco >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Roger Howarth

RH's Franco doesn't even work as a short term villain or bad joke because Roger Howarth is such a ham (and not in a mostly fun way like Kathleen Gati as Dr. O) and can't even manage to get catchphrases out convincingly.

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OK. VeRonica, I'm gonna need for you to get over your own sick fantasies and stop trying to make Antoinette butch!

It's not appealing! It's creepy!

Watching him feel up on Olivia and try and seduce her made me go uber limp. Like it was just gross. I don't know how Lisa LoCicero even kept a straight face. And when he kissed her ... bleh!

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Nevah [shoulda been born] Felix Drake.

I love MW so I'm hoping Sonny doesn't kill her [as if they'd give up one of their favorites].

Carly having scenes w/ people besides Franco? I knew Ron was reading this thread. of course, most of that is off screen.

Just reveal Faux Luke. He's leaving for Amsterdam soon, no?

Dante, stop whining. Lulu and Tracey scenes always work for me. [Jane really does look like she's had it reciting her lines].

Can Jillian take one for the family and just take the bullet? Please? He's so cheesy.

It's a shame TJ's storyline is occurring off screen.

Why hasn't Brad been to see Lucas? He does work in the hospital.

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Y, I'm super happy you detailed how heinously bad this Fluke crap is. What reason did Fluke have to go into Lucas' room and try to kill him? MESSAGE RECEIVED when Lucas was shot surrounded by about 7 people. It was for shock to see how "deadly" Fluke is and we should see why he is feared. LAUGHABLE! Then he implies to Carly it was a hate crime? Why? Carly does not suspect Fluke of anything, so why was that part of the conversation necessary? Its all just too damn dumb! Awful!

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I just cant enjoy Jane Elliot anymore because of how stupid that PhoLuke story is.

I will say that the story itself isnt half that bad but making EVERYBODY too dumb to live to make that story work is whats killing the premise.

You mean to tell me that PhoLuke not only manage to fool two of his good friends, his own flesh and blood and the woman he just married? This is offensive on so many level. Big Alice should be able to see through FauxLuke at this point.

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My ears nearly bled at MB's constant attempts at getting sympathy by saying every. damn. line. in a cracking whisper. Ugh. Peter Bergman over at Y&R overuses this, too, and they seem unaware that, the more they demand understanding and sympathy through their performances, the less the audience wants to give it to them. I just don't care about Sonny and his guilt means nothing to me. And I love how they're playing him as a noble mobster, so shocked! and disgusted! that somebody would lie to him. I will DIE if Ava is pregnant so that way Sonny can't kill her.

It took Shitrina and Bitchemma half an episode to arrive to take Gabriela and make it into Gabriel.

SUPER disgusted at KaKa & Ava trading insults based on who they slept with. GREAT mother/daughter stuff.

WAIT. Didn't Carly say multiple times JUST ON THE PREVIOUS EPISODE that she doesn't care if Ava gets killed. Now she's telling Sonny to wait and asking him if he's sure? You know, it would be nice if the scriptwriters and/or someone made sure characters don't contradict their own actions/sayings from one episode to another. At least Carly didn't press the issue for longer than that one, amazing 20-second scene.

Oh, Shitrina is hopeful! Let the angels sing! The Heavens have parted and the light has shone through!!!

Who didn't see that cliffhanger coming? Was anyone shocked? No?

None, whatsoever. All this [!@#$%^&*] is happening because they have to have something to fill out the episodes.

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