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DAYS: May 2014 Discussion Thread

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A few pre-Memorial Day thoughts on the week!

1) The Rose twins have done great. Allie has always been the backburned child and I am glad Allie is getting her 15 minutes of fame in the spotlight.

2) I know this is a soap opera.. but I really wish Nicole and Eric would have waited until marriage to have sex. After all that Eric has been though with his faith and how many times he has said how important it is to him to wait until marriage to have sex I really wish they would have had them wait until their wedding night (if that ever comes) - it could have been a beautiful romantic moment with great montages, etc.

3) John needs to be given something to do.. I'm not a John hater - I definitely think he works best as a supporting actor at this point.. but he needs to stop snooping around in other people's business and start apologizing to Marlena.

4) LOVE seeing Lucas this much.

5) You guys know I'm counting down the days until an Abe/Maxine wedding!

6) Rob Wilson's one episode has already proven that this is a successful recast. He is handsome, sexy, AND a better actor!

7) I'm so glad the show remembered Arianna Grace's birthday. It was great to see all the family gather together at the apartment for the event :)

8) Great scenes between EJ/Abby. I want a HUGE reveal for this!

9) The only real downside to the show right now is seeing Daniel on our screen EVERY SINGLE DAY!! Danifer are killing this show. They are even brining down Eric/Nicole. I don't even want to see Abe/Maxine in the same orbit as Danifer, because I don't want to start resenting them too!

10) Speaking of Daniel... it is wayyy to early to be able to tell this, but I am going to be so disappointed if Shawn Christian were to lead the episode count for 2014. It's a very real possibility, especially if he continues airing this much! As of the end of April, James Scott is leading - but with his exit, he will not lead the year. Neither will Ali Sweeney. The other contenders are Ari Zucker, Greg Vaughan and Kate Mansi.. maybe Missy Reeves if her episode guarantee gets bumped up in the 2nd half of the year.... I really really do not want SC leading this show in ANY way!

Last thing- the show is pre-empted Monday for a scheduled pre-emption (so none of us miss an episode) for the French Open. I was actually surprised - my local affiliate ran 5 or 6 announcements for it across the bottom of the screen during today's broadcast. Happy Memorial Day everyone! Travel safe!

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I wasn't watching closely enough -- what reason did Eric give for abandoning what he had previously claimed to be a deeply held belief against premarital sex?

If the the show is going to use John, they have to use him a lot more effectively than they have been. His interaction with Marlena this week was very bizarre given how he's treated her for the past year or so. He's been sour with her since Kristen first arrived back in town, then this week he was suddenly jovial and happy to see her. I liked that she gave him the brushoff, but I wish she would have said something like, "You've treated me like a bug on the bottom of your shoe for the past year, why are you greeting with me with a happy hello now?"

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Honestly, I was only half-way paying attention as well. (Heavy Danifer weeks tend to do that to me) but I don't think an explanation was even given.... Lazy writing possibly :/

And I totally agree about John. They are not using him effectively at all. There is no logical rhyme or reason as to him just "popping up" from time to time to be a jack*ss and then disappear. He needs to have a purpose... either he is apologetic and wants the love of his life back, or he doesn't.

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I can't believe I'm saying this but I was almost proud of Abby at the beginning there! I say almost because it's a tad hypocritical after all the ranting she did about Nick before. And she's still so damn naïve. Yet I actually kind of enjoyed her when she went off on EJ at the beginning ONLY because she showed a backbone for once. Of course it didn't last. what a twit. Just like her parents. She is so Jack and Jennifer's daughter. Not a good thing. She can't defend herself against a Dimera for many reasons.

I don't care about Sonny and Will. They're just like GH's Felix, UGHHH!!!!

I don't care if Nicole set up Daniel. And it makes me so sick that she feels so bad about setting him up. I so want Eric to give Daniel a good roundhousing. And it cracks me up how desperate Nicole is! "This just might work. All I have to do is convince Daniel that I told Eric the truth. I can't lose Eric." Lol... She really is slow. But she's fun to watch.

"Here we go." Yep, that's Sami and Kate. I wonder if they'll somehow end on a high note though. You never know!

I like Hope a lot more when we don't have to watch her personal life. Seeing her as the cop on the case is so much better than that!

Gabi is so naïve and Camila Banus makes it worse. I don't know whose a bigger twit, Abby or Gabi?

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