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GH: April 2014 Discussion Thread

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Olivia was conveniently outside his hotel room looking for Carly so she could cry about Scummy. Carly came back (after getting her dress for the funeral) and asked Olivia to come in and talk. When they walked in, FrankenTodd had painted the entire room with those weird symbols and letters from a few years ago. Olivia called Dante.

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Today was so boring. Luke and Spencer was PAINFUL as !@#$%^&*] to sit through. PAINFUL. Geary plays a nasty SOB a little too well. I hate Spencer. Nothing against the kid but the character itself is obnoxious and has been on for like a week straight.

And I'm assuming Patrick yelling at that brat happened off-screen, right? Sabrina to the rescue, naturally. Ron must be so pleased Robin's out of the way and how awful he made her look to get what he wanted, whether Kim would have stuck around or not. Jason Thompson also needs a haircut and a shave. Seriously, the men on GH need major makeovers.

Michael asking Sonny to the funeral was disgusting. It should have been heartfelt and sad. We SHOULD feel for Sonny, regardless, but I doubt many do. It's just awful writing. I should be all "awww Michael wants Sonny there" but it's disgusting that this was even brought up.

And can they just use this opportunity to write out Carlos permanently? I know, I know, wishful thinking. And NO ONE caught that damn booger in Maura West's nose as the camera was on her face? I'm sorry but I was distracted the entire time. I do love that Ava's a nasty bitch but she never lies well at all. The other day with Morgan she is just SO bad. How can no one see that she's fumbling for answers and lying through her teeth?

And why did we spend that hour wasted on Franco rambling to Diane about not wanting her to represent him? God ....

Oh and Ric and Nikolas arguing over Elizabeth. Spare me, please. Nikolas is so stalkerish and obsessive over Liz. Ric at least comes off as giving a damn. Nikolas just seems to want to sleep with her. I really want to be into this but the pissing contest between the men is already old. It's always nice to see Ric though!

Today was jut painful. And surprisingly boring.

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He made the episode worth watching today.

Go away Sobbb-lina! take that greasy Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlosssssssssss with you!

Ric makes me smile! He makes that bloated mess look so bad.

Pity party for poor Patrick! Man up and grow a backbone!

I just can't with Rank-o!

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I actually was able to watch live today but the show was so boring that about half way through it I just turned off the TV and left the house. Yawn. Michael inviting Sonny to the funeral is so stupid. But I did crack up at that scene at the very beginning where Carrrlos was literally shaking with rage. Did you all see that?

I love how characters like Scotty, Lucy, Lucas, etc. have all been MIA for weeks yet here's Spencer getting tons of airtime. Ugh.

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The fight happened on screen on March 13 (about five weeks ago now but who knows how long in GH time). Patrick was a real piece of garbage in the scenes.

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Amen to everything else you said, ESPECIALLY using this as an opportunity to write Carlos out permanently. I think the actor hasn't taped much lately but I doubt they will get rid of him until they get begrudgingly rid of Sabrina and send them off together.

The fight happened on screen on March 13 (about five weeks ago now but who knows how long in GH time). Patrick was a real piece of garbage in the scenes.

Amen to everything else you said, ESPECIALLY using this as an opportunity to write Carlos out permanently. I think the actor hasn't taped much lately but I doubt they will get rid of him until they get begrudgingly rid of Sabrina and send them off together.

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He said he did it bc he needed some support at the funeral. I thought why then wouldn't he invite Carly instead and then I read from Chit that Carly was already going to the funeral so it made NO sense why he would invite Sonny. I mean really?

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If it were real, then I would be shocked. Because you KNOW Veronica would rather have sex with a woman than trim back the size of the cast.

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