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GH: March 2014 Discussion

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Alexis "C*ckblocker" Davis should be in with the adults, not these children.

While I would watch Miss Donna Mills read the phonebook, I just can't with this storyline.

Loved Lizzie sitting on the desk and talking like a friend to Patrick.

Detective Woodc*ck is only good when undressed and on mute. Otherwise.ph34r.png...

Sam and Silazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz just, Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwclosedeyes.jpg!

I like Sean's new lady. She's spunky!

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And can you believe that Veronica has ANOTHER arc in mind for her once this one's over (and should she decided to stay)? Donna, gurl, you in danger!

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She seemed sort of typical. Talking with her hands the way a Real Housewife might, I found that a turnoff. Also, Shawn himself is not much better than Detective West and for this character of all characters to get a supporting cast is mindboggling. He just stands there in mute silence most of the time and I am surprised the show is bothering to waste time on this character.

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Well, you know, they have to do everything they can to make the Guinness Book of World Records as "Network Television Drama Series With Largest Cast." ;)

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Donna Mills deserves millions for having to share scenes with Ryan whatshisname. Please recast if needs be (i dont see the necessity personally) but everything about him screams im out of my league.

He would be out of his league running lines with a porn star

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Sean looked crazy saying that whatever her secret was, that it was worse than him being a killer for the mob. Really? Unless she's a mob boss herself ordering hits, I call negative on that. I bet she was on drugs after her husband died and was good at shielding TJ from seeing her messed up. Either that or I got the impression that maybe she was turning tricks to make ends meet. Knowing Ron though, she probably works for Julian (possibly one of her clients) and is some secret assassin

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I thought that was strange too. My mind immediately went to drugs and prostitution, a la Rachel from OLTL. Only in Ron and Frank's world can either of those things be worse than being a gangster's right hand man! Then again, rape is funny to these people so I shouldn't be surprised. Plus, she's a woman, so she's likely DOA.

Yea, I was really noticing how bad Ryan Paevey was today. I thought he had been passable up until now but I realize I was wrong. I don't think he's the worst "actor" I've seen in recent years, let alone on GH, but there's no way he's going to be improving anytime soon. I say just dump him after this Nina story is over and find someone else for Maxie.

Patrick is going to botch AJ's surgery, isn't he? Ugh, so the blame for this death will fall on Patrick and inadvertently Robin and Sonny and Ava will get off scot free again. I can't with this show and its transparent ass, pathetic motives.

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I just started watching, and Jordan is getting terrible lines already - Sonny is one of the most notorious gangsters in North America? LMAO! That is just too damn funny. Please!

However, Vanessa is doing a pretty good job.

Detective 2x4? Not so much! Don't care about him or Mills. I just stop ff long enough to have material to talk about. But I can't get passed this newbie who's been here a few months and has scenes already with his new onscreen mother? This is just not right.

Eppy is so below par and I'm only 15 minutes in. I have no desire to see Tequan all over that child!

Sam and Silazzzzz! Just a Daytime don't!

Shawn is still hot as hell!

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