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B&B Rumor - MAJOR Actress to return?

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Hopefully to have some sessions with crazy Quinn and her creepy kid. Quinn is way too attached to Wyatt..."Oh, your dad gave you a house, when do I move in?"......... clingy *ss Wyatt could goon the family plan with her..........Unfortunately, Taylor is REALLY BORING and needs to shae things up if they want us to invest any interest in her. Please commit Wyatt to a home...Please

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I hope Taylor is coming back to be a busybody and READ people. To shade Brooke constantly. To bark at Quinn to take her hands off her trifling man, Eric. To toy with Ridge for once (the way he has always toyed with her feelings). To give Bill unwarranted advice. To give Liam unwarranted advice. To psychoanalyse Katie and push her towards Ridge in a totally unprofessional way (we all know TayTay lost that practicing license eons ago!). To usher Jacqueline MacInnes Wood back on the canvas.

Taylor is needed. We need both Brooke and Taylor on the canvas. Taylor hates Brooke with the heat of a thousand suns (Katie does too but she's trying to pretend she doesn't). And Quinn needs somebody marginally smarter than Pam or Donna to tangle with.

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Yes, Cat, YES! I definetly want to see Brooke blame Taylor for all that went wrong in her family last summer and for the two to have it out as they should have before Taylor left.

I also hope they come up with a good reason why she didn't tell Ridge about Brooke's affair bc that was out of character of her. She would have been salivating over that gossip!

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Brooke: "I will never forgive you for hurting Katie like you did!"

Taylor: "Oh, you mean when I broke the news of your AFFAIR with BIll?! I didn't hurt Katie, Brooke; you and Bill did that all on your own!"

I hope the reason they give for not telling Ridge about the Brill affair is that she wanted to see if Ridge wanted to rekindle things with her for her sake, and not because he is sore at the idea of Brooke having an affair (which is how he has ended up with Taylor in the past -- to get back at Brooke). Alternatively, I would love it if scheming Taylor became the shoulder for Ridge to cry on in Paris. She counsels him: "Ridge... it sounds like you are not over Brooke. I really think you should go back to LA and talk to her. Ask her how she feels about you, if she has a new man in her life. She can tell you what she's been doing with herself all these months! Oh, and be sure to say hello to Katie for me, won't you."

Given the backstage shenanigans that HT talked about in her mega interview in the French press, I would also love it if Sean Kanan returned to B&B as Deacon. LOL!

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