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Y&R: TMZ reporting on Michael Muhney

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I'd heard of them because they were shilling hardcore for MAB when JFP first took over Y&R, claiming, I think, that she was going to replace as many people as she could with Hollywood Heights actors.

The sad thing is how many people, then and now, believed them.

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They wouldn't have had to wait to fire him if it was due to sexual harassment. Those cycles are for people being fired for storyline or show reasons, not behavioral ones.

They wouldn't have had to wait to fire him if it was due to sexual harassment. Those cycles are for people being fired for storyline or show reasons, not behavioral ones. He should have been fired sooner unless it had just happened.

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Adam should have been in prison anyway but I do wish it was for his past crimes as well not just this hit & run (I'm assuming his going to do some time for this.) That way he could be in prison for a while.

I liked Billy Miller as Billy and hate recasts BUT don't mind them casting someone who has already played him. If it had been anyone but DT and maybe even RB I wouldn't have liked that.

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I think most are welfare queens with nothing better to do all day than troll the internet, they don't got no money to give to anything. They might as well buy themselves a great big kite with his picture on it, and try to fly it above CBS television city and see what that gets them.

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I think that this is very true. I have noticed it is the same small number people defending MM on the soap boards, but far more are saying that he was wrong and standing up for HK even after some declare that they were are MM fans. I think that most of the enthusiasm that they had in supporting him dissipated as the story spread across social media and the soap boards.

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Same here! I hope my love for Villy will translate onto DT...

I think JFP's regime has been way more subtle with Adam than MAB ever was. They even showed very human aspects to his revelation that he hit Delia, re: the transplant - up until a certain point - I think sometime around the time he burned her scarf. I remember posting that MM's performance during that time could have been lauded if his character had been through some sort of proper redemption. There was about 3 days when I saw a human side to Adam. Unlike with MAB, I doubt JFP would have had him do an "in your face" about face within two weeks. (Do you all remember how humble Adam was when he went blind and then like 3 days later when he got his sight back, he (MM) sort of smirked into the camera?) I have no idea if I will hate him even more by Jan. 30, but so far, nothing JFP's regime has written so far has made me hate him more than I did already.

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