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Your best and worst of soaps 2013

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This will probably just be ignored, but, anyway, in case you want to answer some of the questions.

Best soap. Worst soap.

Favorite scene(s). Least favorite scene(s).

Best/worst return(s).

Best/worst actor(s).

Best/worst new character(s).

Best/worst recast(s).

Best/worst couple(s).

Biggest surprise(s) of 2013.

Moments, good or bad, that stuck out for you this year, either on the shows or behind the scenes.

What you most want to see on daytime in 2014.

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I am down to just one soap, GH but as far as that show goes:

Favorite scene(s). Least favorite scene(s).

Favorite Scene was Dr O rejecting the Anna mask, least favorite was so many Franco crap but I will go with during his blond period when he first arrived at the Q mansion and was obnoxious for reasons still not explained while Ava was draped on his arm/leaning on his shoulder

Best/worst return(s).

Best return was Anders Hove as Faison, and the worst return I guess I have to give it to Kristina Wagner because it has been so disappointing. I am not counting Kmc because her character was still technically part of the overall story or I would choose her easily

Best/worst actor(s).

Best actor I have to give as a tie to Finola Hughes and the woman who plays Dr O. Worst actor is Roger Howarth

Best/worst new character(s).

Best new character from 2013 is easily Ava. Worst is Kiki

Best/worst recast(s).

Best recast is whatshername who plays Lulu and worst is Roger Howarth

Best/worst couple(s).

Morgan and Ava are the best couple, and Carly and Franco are the worst

Biggest surprise(s) of 2013.

Stavros was alive

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Best Soap

All My Children

Worst Soap

General Hospital

Worst Return

Franco, GH

Best Actor

Debbi Morgan

Worst Actor

Roger Howarth

Best Recast

Eric Nelsen/Denyse Tontz, AJ/Miranda, AMC

Worst Recast

Roger Howarth, Franco, GH; Laura Harrier, Destiny, OLTL

Best Couple


Worst Couple

Maya/Rick, B&B

Most Boring Couple

Will/Sonny, DAYS

Worst New Character

Kiki, GH; Maya, B&B

Best event

Chandler Gala, AMC; Brady/Kristens wedding, DAYS

Worst Event

Nurses Ball, GH

Biggest 2013 Surprise

AMC/OLTL canceled again

I pretty much fell out of watching soaps full time in the Summer with the exception of AMC which I could never miss. That arc was outstanding. I will miss my show so much.

GH to me was dismantled by July and I was completely turned off by that pathetic, embarrassing Franco return. God knows Franco wasn't a well liked character before, but I personally became an obsessed James Franco fan in the process after watching more of his work, and admired the deep thought he & the producers put into his character on the show (I encourage anyone to watch the Francophrenia documentary which is fantastic. So much went into that spectacular event. I miss Jill). Of course Ron's ass came in and f-cked it all up! I'm APPALLED by the 180 this character has taken. Ugh. Let me stop.

I miss B&B. That Time Warner Cable dispute really ruined my ability to watch! Couldn't even catch it online. When it was finally over, I couldn't go back to the eps I left off at. I just find it difficult to jump back into shows like that again without having physically seen what's been going on. It drives me nuts. But I have to at some point ;-p I know my Steffy's back!

I did love his return!

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GH deserves best soap. It was so buzz worthy save for a pretty bad late spring and summer it ruled.

Best actress: Eileen Davidson the queen of the year. She was a scorching hot phenom and if heather Tom wins another Emmy it's a travesty. Like heather but please this woman had been in the biz 32 years she deserves it.

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Best soap.

DAYS - Easily...I am totally not biased <_<

Worst soap.

Y&R - I wanted to like it this year, I really really tried but every time they did something I liked they followed it up by ruining it in the most predictable, awful way.

Favorite scene(s).

Gabi/Sami/Kate dumping Nick in the river. - That whole short week of episodes was great and proved what a fantastic team those three make. The aftermath has been great too. Nick, even "dead" is a wonderfully terrifying presence. I'm so glad he's sticking around, even in this context (for now).

Least favorite scene(s).

Any Dannifer love scene.

Best/worst return(s).

Not that I saw it but:

BEST: Stavros (GH) - again, didn't really see much of it, but what little I did seemed kinda epic.

WORST: Franco (GH) - YECCH.

Best/worst actor(s).

BEST: Eileen Davidson - Considering how impossible it is nowadays for a hyped-up actor return to actually be well worth the hype, it's even more amazing how Eileen's return to DAYS has been. Almost singlehandedly revitalizing a show that's had probably way too many second chances. Let's hope it doesn't take her another 14 years to come back!

WORST: Drake Hogestyn - And part of what made her so amazing was the writers finally realizing that they're better off without the Fart-Sniffing Pawn...temporarily, anyway.

Best/worst couple(s).

BEST: Sami/EJ - The writing for these two, especially lately, has been electric! And I love that the drama is coming from a less campy, OTT place than in the past. It makes it all so much more intense and interesting. I'm loving it.

WORST: Dannifer (duh) - I don't even think I need to explain this one.

Biggest surprise(s) of 2013.

AMC/OLTL coming back and going away again - it was nice that they got an extra season, and I hope this is a beginning for the big soaps on the web. I just feel like there needs to be new shows without the baggage of the past to really bring the genre back to life in a meaningful way. AMC definitely came closest to being the breakaway hit we needed (which is surprising since OLTL really seemed like it was going to be so much better at first. WTF HAPPENED??) but I think it's a great idea that's still stumbling towards eventual success. I'm glad these two shows at least got a season of relative quality after ABC and Frons' dismantling of them in years past, but more would have been nice.

Moments, good or bad, that stuck out for you this year, either on the shows or behind the scenes.

Jeanne Cooper's memorial episode was brilliant. I loved hearing the actors' stories of her. It really was beautiful to hear how loved she was on that show.

What you most want to see on daytime in 2014.

DAYS with a budget, and continuing the same strong storytelling they've been putting in this year. Also, an end to Dannifer once and for all. AND the blue room.

Y&R to remember what show it is and govern itself accordingly. Being an ABC soap hasn't worked for ABC soaps since about 1994, so stop trying. No one wants that.

B&B, I get it, history is cyclical. But it ain't THAT cyclical. Try something different. Also, it's amazing how heterosexual the fashion industry in LA is, no?

GH is pleasing SOMEBODY. Not me, but...keep doing what you're doing. Evidently someone's happy. And I admit, even this crap is still more compelling than the 2000s endless SuperJason and the deification of reckless murderers in constant denial.

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Best soap: General Hospital

Worst soap: The Bold & the Beautiful

Favorite scene(s): Robin's reunions with Anna/Robert, (GH) Robin feels Georgie's presence in the cemetery(GH), Dylan asks Chelsea to marry him (Y&R), Lauren & Carmine make love for the first time (Y&R)

Least favorite scene(s): Anything with Franco (GH), Any time Marmaduke as played by Kristen Alderson as played by Benji is on my screen (GH), anything Bill/Brooke (B&B )

Best Return: Robin (GH), Bobbie (GH), Lesley (GH)

Worst Return: The OLTL 3 (GH), Frisco (GH), Cassie (Y&R)

Best Actor: Jason Thompson (GH)

Best Actress: Eileen Davidson (DOOL), Finola Hughes (GH)

Best Supporting Actor: Billy Miller (Y&R)

Best Supporting Actress: Tie: Elizabeth Hendrickson and Amelia Heinle (Y&R)

Worst Actor: Roger Howarth (GH)

Worst Actress: Ugly Betty (GH)

Best New Character: Hilary (Y&R), Ava (GH)

Worst New Character: Melanie (Y&R), Carlos (GH)

Best Recast: Melissa Ordway as Abby Carlton (Y&R), William deVry as Julian Jerome (GH)

Worst Recast: Hartley Sawyer as Kyle Abbott (Y&R)

Best Couple: Chelsea and Dylan (Y&R), Spinelli and Ellie (GH), Britt and Nikolas (GH)

Worst Couple: Patrick and Sabrina (GH), Brooke and Bill (B&B )

Biggest surprise(s) of 2013: Britt is pregnant (GH), Obrecht is Britt's mom (GH), the fact that Kristen Alderson could actually play a character more annoying than Starr Manning (GH), Summer's paternity (Y&R)

Moments, good or bad, that stuck out for you this year, either on the shows or behind the scenes:

The good: The nurses ball (GH), Bobbie's return (GH), Sharon actually being written as likable (Y&R), Chelsea and Dylan getting together (Y&R), Britt goes from one-note bitch to developed, likable character (GH)

The bad: Franco's return (GH), Michael and Kaka (GH), Ron cutting Bobbie/Lucy and Bobbie/Felicia scenes to make room for more Sabrina (GH), SABRINA (GH), Sabrina has a past love interest (GH), Phyllis leaving (Y&R), Bill and Brooke (B&B )

What you most want to see on daytime in 2014: Robin Christopher

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Best soap: One Life to Live

Worst soap: Days of Our Lives

Favorite scene: Alexis issues an ultimatum to Shawn on General Hospital

Least favorite scene: Nikki reveals Dullan is her long lost son on Young and the Restless

Most disappointing scene: Phyllis' send-off on Young and the Restless

Best return: Duke Lavery to General Hospital

Worst return: Victor Lord, Jr. to One Life to Live

Most disappointing non-return: Michael E. Knight to All My Children

Best actress: Debbi Morgan (All My Children)

Worst actress: Shenaz Treasury (One Life to Live)

Best actor: Billy Miller (Young and the Restless)

Worst actor: Josh Kelly (One Life to Live)

Best new character: Ava Jerome (General Hospital)

Worst new character: Dullan McAvoy (Young and the Restless)

Best couple: Todd and Blair (One Life to Live)

Worst couple: Pete and Celia (All My Children)

Biggest scene stealer: Heather Webber (General Hospital)

Best child actor: Patrick Gibbons, Jr. (One Life to Live)

Sexiest soap star: Marco Dapper (Young and the Restless)

Soap stars you wish would just go away: Melissa Reeves (Days of Our Lives) and Anthony Geary (General Hospital)

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Best soap. Days of Our Lives (by default for me since it's the only one I watch everyday).

Worst soap.Bold and Beautiful - I've seen these stories before except the characters were more interesting. Everytime I watch, it seems worse than the time before.

Favorite scene(s). DAYS - When Kristen told John Black the way she viewed their history back in January - that set the tone for the year

Least favorite scene(s) DAYS- Sami crying in jail all summer/Dannifer

Best/worst return(s). None come to mind, oddly enough. Give me a week, and I'm sure the worst will be Ridge on B&B lol

Best/worst actor(s). Best: Eileen Davidson - nuff said elsewhere, Worst: Darin Brooks - hated him on DAYS, hate him more on B&B

Best/worst new character(s). Jeannie Theresa Donovan DAYS

Best/worst recast(s). Worst: I want to say Thorsten Kaye, but that is kind of unfair as of today lol

Best/worst couple(s). Best: Eric/Nicole (yeah I know not really a couple, but they are!!) Worst: Dannifer

Biggest surprise(s) of 2013. DAYS being watchable the ENTIRE year - longest stretch since Brash/Cwikly in 2002!!!

What you most want to see on daytime in 2014. DAYS - I want the show to dump soap cliches and tropes like flashbacks, fakeouts and people talking aloud to themselves where others could overhear. The writing is strong enough to not need this nonsense.

B&B - I want Brad Bell to tell new stories and make the characters interesting/less one-dimensional.

Y&R - I don't want anything from this show anymore!

GH - I don't watch and this board makes an awful sales pitch to make me want to watch lol

When do we see your selection? wink.png

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Best soap. - The Bold And The Beautiful

Worst soap. - I don't watch any other soaps.

Favorite scene(s). - all of which are over the top and campy, I don't take anything serious from this soap

- Brooke re-inventing the bedroom line - hilarious reactions from Taylor and all the other losers

- Brooke having sex with Bill for the first time, seconds after Katie was in the room

- Brooke getting the news she is pregnant at age 60

- Brooke slapping Katie

- Brooke slapping Bill

- Brooke slapping newRidge

Least favorite scene(s).

Any scene, that had Liam, Hope, Wyatt, Steffy, Thomas, Marcus, Dayzee, Maya, that hot guy, that she married, Rick, Donna Caroline, Aly and everyone else except Brooke, Bill, Katie, Eric, newRidge, Pam and her boyfriend

Best/worst return(s).

Best - newRidge

Worst - Steffy

Best/worst actor(s).

Best - KKL/HT/new Ridge guy - i always forget his name. Worst - Hunter Tylo and the young cast.

Best/worst new character(s).

Best - new Ridge

Worst - every new character since 1997's Amber

Best/worst recast(s).

Best - Ridge

Worst - Aly

Best/worst couple(s).

Best from cheap soap drama view - Brill. Worst - the young couples - all of them

Biggest surprise(s) of 2013.

New Ridge - amazing.

Moments, good or bad, that stuck out for you this year, either on the shows or behind the scenes.

I already said most of them.

What you most want to see on daytime in 2014.

I want to see Brooke boink Liam or Wyatt. I want to see Hope overdosing and dying. I want Amber back.

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Best Soap
Days of Our Lives

Worst Soap
General Hospital

Worst Return
Franco, GH

Best Actor
Eileen Davidson

Worst Actor
Roger Howarth

Best Recast
Robert Gorrie, Matthew, OLTL

Worst Recast
Roger Howarth, Franco, GH; Laura Harrier, Destiny, OLTL

Best Couple

Worst Couple
Patrick/Sabrina, GH

Most Boring Couple
Maya/Rick, B&B

Worst New Character
Kiki, GH; Maya, B&B

Best event

Brady/Kristens wedding, DAYS

Worst Event
Nurses Ball, GH

Biggest 2013 Surprise
AMC/OLTL canceled again

Wow, I went and cosigned with most of what AMDatGH wrote.

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Best soap:

Worst soap:


Best/worst return(s).


Worst: Frisco, GH

Best Actor:

Jason Thompson, Greg Vaughan

Best Actress:

Elieen Davison, Rebecca Herbst

Best Newcomer: Mishael Morgan, Casey Moss

Best/worst couple(s).
Best: Eric & Nicole, Sami & EJ, Brady & Kristen Days

Worst: Patrick/Sabrina, GH, Daniel/Jennifer, Days

Biggest surprise(s) of 2013.

TK as nuRidge on B&B

Best Event: Gabi & Nicks wedding, Days & Brady & Kristens wedding, Days

Worst Event: Halloween Night, GH

What I Want to see in 2014:

Days to keep on keepin on with the soap cliches and interesting character dynamics.

Y&R to be good again

GH to go from good to great.

More Steffy on B&B

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