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GH50: November 2013 Discussion

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ARGHHHHHHHH I hate to defend Ron on anything but Jason and Franco's DNAs were never tested against each other. Sam re-ran a paternity test for Danny against both Jason and Franco's DNA and Heather intercepted it. She then swapped the results to read Franco. Since Jason & Franco are still 2nd cousins through the Grants, that explains why Franco was match for Danny's bone marrow

Oh and Ron telegraphed Heather being his mommy last year. He all but painted a neon sign when Heather flew into a rage at Olivia dissing Franco. Then Heather had that weird azz talk with Steven about all her regrets and I figured suspicious Olivia would feret out her secret. I don't get why fans are surprised frankly it's just more of Ron's sledgehammer writing. RH's first scene as Franco was visiting Heather and RM been playing Heather as maternal all along.

I've never been a Scotty fan but ITA with others that KS deserves better than stuck propping up RH's whimpering, pathetic Franco.

The real travesty here is, love or hate him, James Franco created a psycho with a dangerous mystique about him, but Ron's rendition reduces him to the same schmoopy, de-fanged and goofy Todd we've seen for a decade from RH. ATWT started off writing RH a dark and complex Paul then tossed that out after 9 months and the rest of RH's years Paul was a goofy, schmoopy Todd version, too. Whether RH refuses to play a DARK, sexy character again or he's lost those dramatic chops, I don't know. But this is his 3rd character in a row reduced to a pathetic, goofy mess.That's more upsetting than the crap Ron wrote Friday. Changing his parents isnt changing that the characterization is the problem here.

Olivia kissing Sonny's azz is as annoying as Skate were. But I really like BC as Morgan, that kid is a real find and I cheer every time he slams down punk whining Michael and gets in Kiki's face about lying to him.

What happened to MW? She started off so strong and ruthless as Ava the sniper and now a nervous, worry wart mess of a powerless woman. Yuck Sonny's super sperm in Morgan ruining another female.

Smug Derek/Juian doesn't work for me. It makes me want Sonny to take him down a peg.... arghhhhhhhhh and I can't stand rooting for Sonny.

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PP's Todd toned down some the Jerry Lewis comedic goofy schtick, but it leaked thru in scenes like getting his nails done. PP's Todd was pathetically whining all the time and schmoopy, too. Their version wasn't remotely dark or dangerous.

That's my problem with his Franco. Even before the de-tumoring, the character was a pathetic joke poisoning RELISH. Instead of playing up the dark vibes and making Franco a real force to be reckoned with, NO ONE was scared of him b/c he was a joke.

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