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AMC: Week of August 19, 2013 Discussion

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Thanks ;)

Episode 55

I loved Celia and Heather chatting it up like girlfriends would. Talking about their boys. Super fun. Im glad this didn't involve Miranda. Her nightmare are just freaky. Im going to need for her to go crazy.

Man I loved AJ calling JR on being a raging drugged up hypocrite. Wow, he really believes Brooke is this evil stepmother out to sabotage him.

Griffin mention. Too bad it was just a passing reference.

Why was Dixie at the hospital? Really, she was scheduled to work after the party? Its late, like probably after 11AM. Its not like she's some doctor on call or a nurse.

I really don't get why Cara is still in town. If she is serious about keeping David from Oliver, then she needs to leave with him. Screw Mackenzie. She's putting some former patient about her own child. Mackenzie is an adult. Oliver is a 5 year old who needs his mother raising him

I wonder if the woman on Anders phone is connected to Celia? Right after she woke up from her nightmare, they zoomed in on that. Maybe she's Cara's mother?

Nice montage to end the show.

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Episode 55

I loved David connecting with Oliver. I thought it was hilarious how Letitia pulled Cara away from the room and later Dixie pointing out to her how paternal David seemed.

I felt a little chemistry between Dixie & Dr Anders before he was called to the hospital.

Heather/Celia was nice, and I can totally see Heather going batshit crazy when she realizes AJ doesn't agree that they're meant to be.

AJ confronting JR was the highlight of the episode to me. In some ways, both their points of view were valid since it seems likely JR's reel was sabotaged, but he came off as paranoid to his son when he placed the blame on Brooke. I thought Eric Nelsen in particular gave a phenomenal performance.

Poor Brooke having to fend off Dimitri after learning he bought the necklace for her. I can feel her pain!

I loved the montage at the end.

Episode 56

I'm excited at how JR & Colby blame Brooke for Adam's behavior since it sets up a great conflict in the future. I didn't expect JR to believe she sabotaged his presentation over David, but I like it.

I'm glad Brooke gave back the necklace; it wouldn't be appropriate for her to accept so expensive a gift from a man other than her fiance.

Dixie should've known better than to meet Celia in a pubic place to discuss starting therapy. Naturally, Colby would eavesdrop on her. I just wonder what Colby & Opal have planned for Pete & Celia's big date!

It was great to see Joe again counseling Cara on keeping the truth from David and revealing that her prescription pad was stolen. It was a nice surprise that she figured out JR took it. I might have read into it, but I thought JR was making a vague threat at the end to tell her secret if she doesn't keep his.

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Thanks. I thought Mackenzie was that Haley Joel Osmont lookalike that was a teenager. Still my point remains. Oliver is a 5 year old that needs his mother. Mackenize is likely a teen now and doesn't need Cara, especially not for the 3-4 months that she's been back. She shouldn't take precedence over that little boy

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The whole situation with Oliver hiding at the Chandlers is ludicrous and frankly it makes Cara look like a lousy mother. Oliver was safe in Puerto Rico with her mom and now...

1.) Oliver's in the hospital,

2.) Her mom is on call at the Chandlers night and day (BTW, is she getting paid for all this cooking she's doing? Only JR knows who she really is so is she getting a paycheck made out to Carmen NoLastName?)

3.) Leticia has already been spotted by Opal

4.) Cara is now completely indebted to JR's increasingly unstable ass

What makes this story all the more frustrating for me is that Griffin is nowhere to be found. I'm pretty sure he would have plenty to say about the position Cara has put herself, their mom and his nephew in. It's insane that Oliver is in the hospital (in Cassandra's old bed apparently, LOL!) with Leticia at his side and Griffin isn't involved in this story at all.

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Oh I agree. I can maybe kind of understand her freaking out after David shot JR and wasn't remotely remorseful about it, but if you feel THAT strongly about not wanting him in your life, then have a damn abortion and STFU already. If you choose to have a child and keep it, then you are choosing to tie yourself to that child's father, and he has rights whether you like it or not. Cara has been so irresponsible and so thoughtless with regard to Oliver's supposed safety that I just can't buy her being soooo scared about what David will do anymore.

I'm to the point where I hope David absolutely freaks out and goes dark and wants full custody of Oliver, and I hope he gets it. Cara was whiny and weepy and annoying during AMC 1.0, but she was actually kind of watchable with David. Nothing about the way she's been written since AMC returned has made her likable or sympathetic to me.

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I agree that the situation with Oliver living at such a highly visible location like the Chandler mansion is preposterous but Cara would have to be an ax wielding serial killer to lose custody to David at this point, considering David's now lengthy record. This question just came to mind: Shouldn't David be on probation?

I'm sensing some bits of chemistry unfolding between Dixie and Dr. Anders.

Watching today's AMC episode in comparison to OLTL and the contrast is startling. Technically speaking, while OLTL's scenes were somewhat awkward and clumsy, AMC's scenes have been seamless and mostly finesse.

Today's montages, for example-- the way scenes intercut and dissolved into each other and then the subtle overlay of music toward the end. High marks for this.

Heck, I just barely got through Friday's Y&R episode and AMC is way more entertaining than that!

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Both episodes were great!

I loved the montage at the end of the first episode as well. I replayed it several times.

What was with Evelyn's reaction to hearing Celia talk about "Mr. Marick"? Or am I now reading too much into that after thinking everyone was reading too much into Celia & Dimitri's first encounter?

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