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Y&R: Final Goodbye to Katherine Chancellor begins August 16th

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I just can't get my hopes up, but I'm praying this is right. I need Jill FRONT AND CENTER FOREVER. That is Katherine's closest relationship and they are the stars of the show. They need to return Jill to a lead, central character on the level of Jack and Victor. She needs to be IMPORTANT at Jabot and Chancellor, a force to be reckoned with in business storylines, somebody her kids respect and care for. I also need them to find a way to reignite the feud with Kay vs Jill, but with someone new and younger taking Kay's place (Chloe?).

And most importantly, this is not a one or two week thing. Katherine's death needs to be a main story for well over a year. Her presence was too huge for Y&R viewers. They need to bring back some Chancellor's and keep them there. I don't want that set or her memory to go away. I hope these hacks do her right.

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Agreed. Jill should be equal to Victor/Jack, but they won't do it. A rivalry with Chloe would make sense for two reasons: Billy and that she's Ester's daughter. After all, Ester such an important part of Kay. If you can have Jack (Abbots), Victor (Newmans) as the patriarchs of their families, then Jill should be the Chancellor family matriarch. It would be the logical way to keep the third family of GC viable.

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Agreed. However, the only way for the Chloe and Jill feud to ignite is if they place Billy between them. And it seems that this regime will not let go of the Victoria/Billy pairing because they don't want to let go of the Billy versus the Newmans story. What they should do is have the Chancellor drama be in and of itself (include the Winters and Baldwins squabbling with them) as one story while the Newmans and Abbots continue their over done feud.. But I truly doubt that they do it.

I also agree that people fighting over the spoils always happens when folks die. It would actually be realistic. There will be some people that are really altruistic in wanting her legacy cared for while there will be others who truly don't care but are just out for what they could get. Since they have kept Cane around although he is a con, the role of user who is just out for what he can get would be right in line with his character and one I don't mind see him playing in this story. But he should LOSE in the end. The people who should actual triumph are real relatives or people with long standing relationships and connections.

I can see Chloe getting a stake and Jill trying to take it (that could start their rivalry up). I can see Mac not caring and her giving Devon her proxy (just because they are of an age and both decent trustworthy folks). I can see Brock giving his proxy to Jill (because they are of an age and care about each other). I can see Chance also giving his to Jill. And finally I can see them all siding together to get rid of the con artist. I can also see Neil and Lauren getting involved as well. Maybe having seats on the board or something.

It could be really good story if written even half way decent because most of the actors involved are good enough to make it work. We all know that Jill can make anything work...she needs to be the lead. It needs to be her story. Not Cane's damnit!

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I think that they will write this in a wonderful way. Y&R has some great Emmy submission tapes already with the final episode of the late great Jeanne Cooper, the Memorial episode with the cast.

I could see Jeanne Cooper being nominated posthumously and winning with her son Corbin Bernsen accepting on her behalf. Heath Ledger won an Oscar, posthumous and his father accepted on his behalf after his death so posthumous awards do happen and could happen to the wonderful late Jeanne Cooper. Y&R has great material to submit next year for Emmy consideration.

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