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GH50: August 2013 Discussion

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I'm disappointed, for some silly reason I thought he'd be written different, yes, its better than Guza in many ways but he's still the patsy for Sonny/Carly, its the meat hook all over again...he can't get one up on Sonny. I'm 75% out of this show anyway, none of my favs are getting the kind of writing I like/hoped for w/this new regime...the writing is lacking for me big time.

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I'm still rooting for A.J. Sorry not sorry, Ron.

I hate when Ron and the writers use poor Tracy as the slanted, bored voice of the lazy-ass, snarky writing. Jane Elliot does wonderful work with this mess. Both Tracy and A.J. are so much more complex than the writing gives them credit for. They approach something like great drama with shows like the last few, which were very watchable with great performances, then they back away from real quality to reinforce a lazy plot point - "We brought back A.J. to make you invest in him but psych, Ron swiftly got bored with that so now A.J. sucks again! Don't care about A.J.! Liz should be with Nikolas!" Who gives a !@#$%^&*] about Liz and Nikolas? Who? No one that wouldn't forget about them tomorrow if you gave her a real shot with A.J. or anyone else.

It's obvious Ron is throwing another toy out of the sandbox - A.J. He couldn't keep Steve Burton around to play off him so he's bored now, because he only accounts for actors in one story and if he can't have his One Story he often loses all interest. Time for A.J. to get the long, slow descent into irrelevance. He did the same thing to my Susan Haskell and Marty Saybrooke on OLTL when the rapemance tanked.

I'll rant more about these last few shows - full of good stuff and a lot of frustrating bad - when I finish Friday.

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