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GH50: August 2013 Discussion

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IMO, KA grew into a pretty, petite girl. The problem isn't her looks.

KA was a mess before GH. Her last years on OLTL were filled with some pretty bad performances. She learned some very bad habits from her onscreen mom. KA tried to follow in KDP's entitled sex kitten footsteps and that proved a total joke. GH selling Kiki as some irresistible sex goddess just continues that bad joke.

I'm not normally a Liz fan, but I was cheering her telling off nasty Tracy. There's just nothing rootable in Tracy right now. She acted like a child sabotaging ELQ because if she couldn't have it, no one could. No one has made Tracy pay for that childish behavior Liz was right about that. The only time I can stomach Tracy is around Lulu. That is the only time she acts like a real person.

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I think a small part of the problem with KA, is that the majority of GH fans did NOT watch her grow up. The OLTL fans did but most of the GH fans did not. I think there's something about a child actor or actress growing up on YOUR show (JJ or KMc), that makes you want to watch them even though they might not grow up to be the next Tony Geary or Finola Hughes. I don't care about KA because I never grew up watching her. All I know is that this lackluster actress is eating up a huge amount of airtime when I would rather be seeing my GH favorites.

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And this is pretty much the bottom line. There was no falling. Craptini was just looking for a way to pick up where they left off with Michael and Fishface.

As for Tracy, TeamEric, She is a disgusting vile NONcharacter now. I don't care if she does not like AJ. The problem is that there is no rhyme or reason for Tracy to behave the way she does. Liz slapping her was not good enough for me. I wanted Tracy called out for the mean hateful nasty bitch she is. I cannot stand the sight of her! And what bugs me most is when I see people raving about Miss Jane [!@#$%^&*] Elliot in an eppy without really examing the scenes. Why would I care how great she was (not that the scenes were all that great because they are pretty much the same as all of her stuff from the last few years) when the character is a meaningless piece of sh!t?! I don't care if she misses Lila, Edward or Alan, it does not show. Jane has gotten so used to playing this bottomless pit that I don't think she can do anything outside of it. Tracy's heinous behavior is just nonstop and I'm so very tired. She immediately goes on FF now.

Greasy face West and Silas was automatic ff. Don't care if she was aroused holding a knife to him.

I'm just hoping after all is said and done, this is finally the turn around for AJ. So far, I have not seen what I had hoped with this character. He's whiney and tosses out insults but can't take the heat himself. I need AJ to become a force, and not some little pu$$y who needs his boney colorless piece of ass standing up for him.

Connie, please let this exit be swift. I just can't stand the sight of her, and the thing Ksu tries to do with her voice so that the audience knows she is Connie and not Connie is absolutely ridiculous! Gods, please be quick!

Are there any 2 people duller than Mac and Felicia, together or as individuals? Good Lord!

Free Morgan!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sonny going to Olivia to whine breaks my heart. I want to see glass thrown damn it!

I'm so frustrated with this show!

Gonna go put my head in the microwave.

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I have second hand embarrassment for Olivia. She knows Sonny loves Kate, but is willing to take whatever scraps he'll give her. Gross. I don't even like Olivia much but have some pride, girl!

On another note, soapnet skipped ahead to Brenda's 2010 return and Sonny's in Rome with her. Good Lord, it's awful. I had such high hopes back then when S&B laid eyes on one another, but it is nearly unwatchable in a second viewing. I am not sure what's worse FrakenTodd and Kaka or the Balkan.

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Yeah, I heard that. I don't usually watch them, but I thought I'd give Brenda's return another shot. Today Sonny and Brenda met up in Rome. It's good until they start talking. I am one of the few that think MB and VM still have amazing chemistry, but Brenda's reaction to Sonny's misdeeds (ie jumping bail, shooting Dante, car bomb, Jonny being shot, etc.) should have been more of shock and a lot less praise of his parenting.

Carly and Olivia's relationship confuses me. They are friends then they aren't. Then Carly accidently gets her shot and wants her to be with her ex-husband. It's odd, but Carly seems to have consistently supported Solivia.

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