Members DRW50 Posted September 11, 2013 Members Share Posted September 11, 2013 It's tough for me to believe Helen would drop. She wanted to go back in and she's not having money problems that she ever mentioned, I don't think. I'm annoyed McCrae didn't force a tie. I just don't have any respect for him as a player. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted September 12, 2013 Members Share Posted September 12, 2013 Andy won PoV, I think. His second HoH/PoV combo. GM, maybe, won it? Not 100% sure yet. McCrae definitely didn't win it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members juppiter Posted September 12, 2013 Members Share Posted September 12, 2013 Andy won veto! Hell yeah. C ya McCrae. Dumbass. I dunno. You were like... I dunno. I mean, sometimes I thought you... I dunno, but then like, I dunno. Also, I dunno... but I dunno. Dumbass. Judd and McCrae going back to back is exactly what I wanted out of the lackluster final 5. Yay for an unpredictable winner for the first time in ages. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted September 12, 2013 Members Share Posted September 12, 2013 I can't lie. I definitely wanted Judd and McCrae out in this order as payback for choosing RatAndy over Elissa despite RatAndy clearly being a lying rat face floater. I was afraid to say my McCrae exit hopes out loud. Didn't want the universe working against my wish. I do think there's a tiny chance GM could go instead of McCrae if Andy changes his current nominations. Tiny. There's also the chance GM could evict Spencer over McCrae, as she's not nominated right now. Not sure if replacement nominee has been done yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted September 12, 2013 Members Share Posted September 12, 2013 I just love that pprductions pet Elissa was gone in de, and I love that Judd who they brought back is gone now. I root against production more than anything else. Get ready for a spencer/GM f2. GM will win, Productionlissa will get MVP. Candice and Judd will be on all stars next season. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted September 12, 2013 Members Share Posted September 12, 2013 Is next season definitely All Stars? They're due but I just think they watered down it's appeal by having so many players constantly pop up (like Jessie nearly every year after his eviction until like this year) or return to play in their lame twists. I totally forsee a Spencer/GM f2. I can't believe I'm rooting for GM at this point. I just can't. lol. But next to Andy, she's fought hard, I have to give her that. Why bring Candice back though? Granted, she was treated awfully in there and I felt bad but her game died once she started laying around for hours with Howard hiding from everyone. Much like McCranda did, all they did was lay around. No offense to Candice at all, I'd love to see her play but All Stars? lol. I wouldn't doubt it but I can't see it. Judd's awful at this game, imo. I can't even imagine him and Candice doing well in any competitive All Stars season. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted September 12, 2013 Members Share Posted September 12, 2013 I don't think we will see most of these people again - we would have seen McCrae if he'd won. I'd like to see if Judd would play a different game but I don't think he will be back. I love Candice but I don't think she'd want to come back. I'm not sure Elissa would either. Helen is the one we will most likely see. I did a double take when the audience (CBS employees even) cheered when Judd said he wanted GM to win. GM has such a good TV personality, she's so brash and charismatic, and some of her worst (aside from her remark to Candice) doesn't make it to air. If she wins, then she earned it, but I have so many problems with her as a human being. I really need her to use this money to fix her life. I'm afraid if she wins she will spend it all on that douchebag Nick. I just can't feel like people should have gone for not listening to Elissa. McCrae had more reason than Judd, but she'd been involved in putting him up twice. Even then, if he'd put up Andy, I don't think Andy would have gone over GM, and Andy is the reason he's leaving. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted September 12, 2013 Members Share Posted September 12, 2013 I think there's potential to see several back, at some point, but I don't know. I remember BB9's cast being pretty vile as well and we never ever see any of them. But I can at least make an argument for Amanda, Helen, McCrae (maybe, he's likely popular with the general audience), Andy (unfortunately), even GinaMarie if she wins, and hell even Aaryn (though I don't see her ever doing it again or being asked, but stranger things have happened). Judd and Candice would be so far down on any All Star list, if you base it on gameplay. Not saying I don't WANT to see them, I'd be very interested in how they would play again, but I just see them being eaten up alive. I meant to mention that too Carl about GM and the clapping for her by the clearly CBS employees. The audience never skews that much 'older' and Julie seemed so breezy with them it was clear it was a fake audience. I absolutely agree with your take on her. I see Nick using her too and her totally letting him. I can see why no one trusted Elissa. She was odd as hell and so hard to figure out. Judd wasn't exactly wrong when he said she would like you one minute and target you the next. She'd go into the DR one way and come out another. She tried to cut her emotions out of it but ended up not connecting with anyone, thus no one ever wanting to listen to her or work with her, besides Helen. Honestly, Helen's uber enthusiasm for this game makes me hope they don't hold this overal awful season against some of the players who normally would get a second shot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted September 12, 2013 Members Share Posted September 12, 2013 I don't think we'll be seeing Andy, GM, or Aaryn again. I do not like Helen, because I think she is a very arrogant person and she put psychological issues into the game in a way they were not needed (she said that once this show is over, Judd is going to kill her and her family - and she wasn't saying this jokingly), but she knows how to jump up and down and be happy for the camera and she stands out compared to most former players, so I think she will be back. I like Judd a lot, in spite of so much, but in my heart I can't really say he deserves to come back. For entertainment purposes, I wouldn't mind seeing him back (on the feeds, when he wasn't saying sexist trash and moping, he was very fun and had heartfelt talks with people, not just bullshit), and I thought he was hot (when he wasn't spewing sexist trash), but I can't really act like he's been robbed. Most of the time, who comes back isn't based on game ability. Frank is one of the worst players ever on BB, but he'll definitely be back. So anyone who comes back from that season will probably just be from fanbase. I'd say if Elissa wants to come back, she's #1. Then Helen. After that, I don't know. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted September 12, 2013 Members Share Posted September 12, 2013 You are right, it's fanbase/best-for-entertainment-purposes over gameplay. It's always been. Nothing new there. I bet Grodner is wetting herself at the thought of Frank coming back. What an overrated player. Not awful. If he's back for an All Stars season we can all count down the seconds until people start claiming it's rigged for him. Whether I think it would be or not doesn't matter but we all know they'll go there. I agree if Elissa wants to come back she's #1. Then Helen. I really think they'd invite Amanda back. I think McCrae is a total tossup. He'd be a shoe in if he did something other than lay around all summer. I could see them finding an excuse to get Howard back, but I don't know if he'd do it. Frankly I thought he was overrated too. I like Judd alot too and he's definitely a shoe-in for All Stars, of course. If they do it, which they probably will after the vile newbies this year. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted September 12, 2013 Members Share Posted September 12, 2013 McCrae has been told about the Exterminators. Andy confessed to voting out Amanda. McCrae said he knew it (he's pissed at himself and he regrets getting rid of Elissa) Hehe. I love it. Stupid McCrae. And Big Brother was renewed for Season 16 next summer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted September 12, 2013 Members Share Posted September 12, 2013 Hindsight is a beautiful thing sometimes. Andy: "Elissa was always after me." Spencer: "She was blood-thirsty for him." McCrae: "Elissa is f--kin smart. She knew some sh-t was going on." McCrae: "Oh g-d, I'm going to have to apologize to Elissa." McCrae: "I'm totally the Britney of this season." McCrae: "F--k. This sucks." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted September 12, 2013 Members Share Posted September 12, 2013 Yeah, a person who attended (Jokers poster) mentioned that most of the audience was pretty clueless about the show - either have never watched or didn't watch this season. I did love Julie's "bitch, please" face when Judd mentioned he was rooting for GM. If GM gets evicted in 3rd place, I think Julie is going to go in on her. Spencer & Andy STILL trying to take credit for Aaryn's eviction pisses me off. Andy was pissing himself not to go on the block and he was wanting his mommy Amanda to save him and THEIR ALLIANCE. He wanted GM up...or Judd. So did Judd (GM). Spencer didn't give a f--k. 3 AM would have still been completely in tact if any of these idiots got their way and most of this alliance would have been evicted already. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted September 12, 2013 Members Share Posted September 12, 2013 Spencer did tell Andy a few times to not push for GM to go up and to just let it happen (Andy going on the block). I don't think Julie will go in on GM, because GM is too unstable mentally, but I think she's probably repulsed by her. I remember her not wishing GM a happy birthday on the live show. GM told Andy to stop saying so much stuff to McCrae and annoying him. McCrae is still upset about Elissa likely winning fan favorite, and now knows he probably won't be back for All Stars. He was trying to figure out if he'd return, or Aaryn would. Don't think you have to worry about Aaryn... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted September 12, 2013 Members Share Posted September 12, 2013 Andy really doesn't seem to give a f--k about jury votes. I actually think I want him to make it to F2. I think Dan lost, last year, mostly because he already won once. I think Andy may lose from just completely sucking at jury management. I think McCrae vowed to die like his little friend Andy re: AFHG. Hee. Boy, maybe you shouldn't have slept and bitched the summer away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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