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Tyler Perry's 'Haves and Have Nots' on OWN


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My god Jeffrey is psychotic. I didnt feel bad about Wyatt playing him and actually rooting for him in that scene.

Its official. Veronica's my favorite character and I didnt think Id EVER say that

LMAO at Hanna and Amanda's reactions to hearing the nickname 9

Selene is 4 and Katherine is only up to 9? Considering she insiniated that Selene was with Jim when she was young, I think there'd be at least 10-15 years between those affairs.

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I forgot to mention one of the best lines of the episode. "Don't look at me like that, I've met his mother and she is a bitch", Kathryn is so great, she's really got fire.

The preview for the season finale looks good. LMBAO at Jeffrey on the floor whining.

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He really does, and I'd love to have a sit down with him.

Veronica is becoming the best character on this show!

I am really hating Wyatt, and that is because of that louse Aaron O'Connell. He is absolutely heinous. The scene with Wyatt and Jeffrey was so dreadfully long and the room appeared to be shrinking.

Kathryn thinks this is the perfect time to talk crap to her emotionally fragile daughter?

Ugh! I don't even remember what else happened, and it was about only 9 scenes the whole damn show.

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Gavin certainly delivered tonight. The scene with Veronica, David and Jeff was so long. I had to go back and clock it and got 12 minutes. Why in the sam hell would any scene be that damn long? Tyler was going for epic, but after a while, I had to roll my eyes. It was exhausting. 12 minutes?!!! Who does that?!

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I prefer the longer scenes, it gives more character development and less filler like some other shows have.

Hanna outed her secret by mistake, that was a pretty good twist.

Wyatt running over Benny was not something I was expecting.

Jeffrey is still lying, if anything, his dishonest and instability should be Veronica's problem. Veronica was worse than Blake Carrington berating Steven, but I had a hard time feeling sorry for Jeffrey, he's just not sympathetic after all machination. I bet he'll try to take the fall for Wyatt next season, since that was his car that Wyatt was driving.

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Oh we so do not agree. In theory I feel that way about some of the best soap scenes--classic length ones they rarely do now. But these are just DRAWN out. They say things in 5 mins which should be said in 2. "So I heard you were with that slut." "You heard I was with that slut?" "Yes, I heard you were with that slut." *pause* "Oh." "Well were you!" Add rinse repeat. Add the slow direction.... IMHO the way the scenes are stretched out is the definition of filler.

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Horrible cliffhanger. Just full of WTF scenes. Bitchy zingers are great for twitter hits and watercooler talk, but they're undercut by lengthy, BORING scenes that in the end don't mean a damn thing. Sure, Veronica telling off Candace works in theory, but what's the point, when her ultimatum means nothing?

The pacing needs to drastically improve. I can't believe they cut away from Wyatt thirty seconds after he entered the house muttering about killing someone, to that LONG, anticlimactic, rambling Jeffrey is gay reveal. Good grief, Veronica's explanation about her abortion/subsequent miscarriages/miracle baby she doesn't want to be gay went on longer than Jeffrey in what should have been a defining moment in HIS life.

There was only one mildly surprising twist. Otherwise it was 39 and a half minutes of rehashing what we already knew.

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Veronica is a BAD ASS BITCH! I love that ho! OMG, she gave me so many gif worthy moments to make





and then there was this dumbass fool!


"Who gave you the right? Who gave you the right to be homosexual? Jeffrey, you are being selfish."

"You are offended? GOOD, bc you are offending me with this nonsense"

I LOVE HER! I loved her story about her unborn children and how Jeffrey was her punishment for her abortion. Im sorry if this is wrong but I was not feeling Jeffrey. I was laughing at him throughout this scene and cheering her. Its dead wrong but she's such a delicious bitch to watch. For once I loved a long scene as that was very meaty.

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