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GH 50: Discussion for the Month of April - May 3, 2013

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Mortgage gotta get paid and lenders don't care if the check comes via Brante or Mackles! And it would appear that V has lost all of her veto power. However, I'm gonna wait and see. While I won't be laughing at Brenda because this is a crock, I'll will be dying in that when V has to play ball its in such a heinous way. I've always hated the way she dictated stories!

For my friends here who are Brenda lovers, I hope for your sake this is false because this is not good soap. This is "throwing a character under a bus for a pet" soap.

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Hopefully with this makeover Sabrina will at least look more age compatible to Patrick.

Her hair has looked better lately. I'll give 'em that.

Man, Brenda looks to be totally trashed with this spoiler. I'm not even her biggest fan. I'll wait and see for sure but just ... I guess it's Ron's "soapy goodness" at it's finest.

And said character appears very sporadically (I know, he's techincally guesting) but then today bugged me because they don't use him much, yet call him to film one episode where he spends the entire episode explaining to Lucy about how he won't be in town (I.E. won't be used for the next month). It just all felt so LOL to me when I really thought about it. I'm glad they at least addressed his upcoming 'we're not using you right now' disappearance.

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I became an even bigger Finola fan after seeing her on the show. She just has a great personality. I thought this whole bit was cute:


How come the cake that Katie had for them looked better than the one they had on set?

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Well, I was giving RC my unwarranted shadow of a doubt but... just like my darling Andrea says, mortgages (and face jobs) gotta get paid. Oh, well. If it happens, I'll "cackle" to myself... I dislike, with ferocious strength, almost everyone that would be involved and/or affected by this rumor.

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Well, true.

I had a rant ready and forgot about the

. LOL.


LOVED Finola on 'Katie'. Such a great personality. It's also nice to see Kelly with a lot more life in her lately, honestly. She seems to look very happy and healthy and looks GREAT.

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Just watched this week's 4 GH episodes back to back, and all I have to say is, wow! This soap in on top of its game. There were so many moments that pulled at my hear strings (Rachel Ames, Elizabeth and Nikolas, the Quartermaine "Reunion).

But I am also so happy that they are giving the returning vets substantive scenes. I loved the Jax/Brenda fight today. It felt like 1996 all over again. I love how excited everyone is to see Bobbie: her daughter, Maxie, her best friends. I love that Lucy, Kevin, and Mac get so much time to be old friends again. I am so impressed that these guys who during the Guza/Phelps days would havebene glorified extras with throw away lines are actually in the action.

Only down-side really has been Luke and Laura. The acting in their scenes has been so stiff. There is no feeling of great romance. It has been so contrived. I don't know if it is the storyline, the writing, or the acting, but this has not been the Luke and Laura reunion I thought it was going to be.

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