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I noticed Ayden said he's known Simone a long time bc she delivered Lauren....he was in the picture that long? Who is Lauren's father? Was Mariah messing with Ayden while pregnant?


Ogre needs to shut up. Who cares that Eugene made fun of him


If I was Heavenly, I wouldnt apologize to Mariah either bc it wasnt that serious and she was being extra for a response, which she failed to get


Quad wants a child? Bitch, stop lying. You should have said I want a child, but not with Gregory


I hate to say this but I can relate to Quad about not being appreciated by one's man. That sh-t can f--k you up


Why did Andy act surprised that Quad blocked Greg's phone? She did it on the show


Did Greg cheat? YESSSS! I hope he got his side ho pregnant

Edited by Cheap21
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Loved it!  


Dr. Greg possibly cheated and I feel nothing for that drama queen bitch, Fraud!  Like you, Cheap, I so hope a side ho is knocked the fvck up and good!  


Man!  Damon loves his wife and I appreciate his honesty.  He won't stand for infidelity but who knows because he doesn't want a life without Heavenly.  I have mad respect for that.  


I like Cecil and Simone and hoped they would work it out, but Cecil is checked out not looking to check back in.  The time has come.  


Please make Mariah a regular and demote Fraud!!!!!  For some odd reason, this eppy made me go back to the fight she had with Toya at the party in S1.  LMAO!  And I hate Lucyfer all over again.  Mariah is gorgeous and story or not, she brings the goods.  Promote her!  


Jackie will forever be my fav HW on all reality shows!  But I get Curtis.  I am not advocating infidelity at all, but Jackie threw herself into her work and I think it was so that she could focus on anything but cancer, having beat it twice.  Curtis was left out.  She came home a few eppies ago and jumped on the computer to do charts.  Curtis quickly pointed that out.  But I'm happy they are putting it back together, and I'm super happy Curtis is not going to be punked by the others because the only person he has to answer to is Jackie.  I love that her friends are looking out for her, but when she says step back, you have to step back and let her handle this.  Jackie may be a lot of things, but stupid aint one of them.  


I guess we will still see Cecil in a co-parenting capacity next season?  I hope so!  

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@ChitHappens, I think Dr. Damon loves Heavenly, BUT I don't believe an ounce of all that preaching he was spewing. One thing that threw me off when we he said we've all had "second chances." That made my eyebrows raise real high. What do you mean second chance? Makes me believe that Damon has stepped out. I wouldn't be surprised if all the Kimes' skeletons came falling out the closet next season. A lot of people on Twitter took notice to that comment too ... including Toya!


When it comes to Mariah, I doubt they'll make her official full time again b/c Purveyors of Pop/Fremantle are trying to punish Mariah till this day. But they are stupid to not promote her b/c Mariah brings the most drama out of everyone. She was also the one great departure from a season filled with splitting marriages. 

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That was a damn fine reunion and actually worked as 3 parts unlike the Housewife ones. The one thing that really separates this show from the Housewife brand, is these ladies are for the most part ACTUALLY friends and not just paid ones. It really showed when they were all dealing with Cecil/Simone.


I feel bad for Greg. Quad doesn’t even acknowledge her wrongdoing or what he feels he’s not getting from her. 

Edited by Antoyne
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3 Part reunion and it was actually worth it!

Why did Ol' Ugly think he had the right to say anything to Simone? Shut up with your nasty mole. Ogre

I dont like Quad but I understand her attitude this season. I think Greg cheated, but they are trying to save face and protect his image

Cecil...how you gonna fight so hard for your friend but not your wife? I think Cecil and Simone got a temporary reprieve but I think they will end up divorcing anyway.

BTW does anyone know if they really called off the divorce or went through it?


Heavenly: "Why he fighting so hard for Tammy? F--k Tammy!"

Yeah, Im with her



Tammy wants to be the wife

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I don't think Simone is gonna call the divorce off. Her body language throughout the entire reunion showed that she already checked out. I think she just said she'll call off the divorce to appease all of them and to set up for a story next season. Simone is done with Cecil. 


I felt bad for Quad too, however, she somewhat is asking for what is occurring to her. Greg has made it obvious from the start he wanted a child. It was obvious that he was gonna seek solace elsewhere. 


This was a solid season and one of the best shows Bravo had this past year. They seriously need to rethink about putting this show in a death time slot on Friday. They need to put it back on Sundays following RHOA. They've earned their Sunday 9PM/EST time slot. 

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Finally watched the last part of the reunion and it was great.  Love this show!


Andy asking Mariah about the group and how she feels.  Pretty foul since they've blocked her full time return.  


Super happy Toya called out Simone on her bullsh!t.  Cecil won't do this, Cecil won't do that.  But Simone is too busy and tired to do anything for him?  She's working 2 jobs?  If your marriage means so much, QUIT ONE!  She was full of it and for the first time, I actually heard Cecil thanks to Simone's foolishness!  


Even after hearing how Greg took another woman to a room and how he asked for Fraud's help, I still don't care...AT ALL!  She's a horrible camera whore who has outlived her usefulness!  

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I read that Bravo renewed the show for Season 6. I love how it’s still thriving on Fridays of all night. This is like the only RHOA lead-out that’s lasted lol.... I wish Quad the Fraud wasn’t coming back but Andy seems to love the core group of Quad/Jackie/Simone/Toya/Devil to pieces :eyeroll:

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