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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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Once again U dont know your facts. PP didnt bring Natalie back to Life on OLTL cause GH never killed that character. They Killed Hope, Cole & Tea's baby. So Natalie being on PP's OLTL doesnt negate PP's claim that ABC screwed with the OLTLers that were loaned to GH

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Sadly we don't have any new episodes to discuss. We could talk about where we think PP's storylines could have gone, but we're kind of fresh out of topics here.

Um, Eric Nelsen (AJ) got married, so congrats to him.

That's about all I've got. Sorry marceline.

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I know, I know. It's just that this could go on for years and we've all picked our side. It's just the same conversation over and over again.

I guess if I'm honest, it makes me sad. The shows were good and IMO were a nice step in the evolution of the genre. I hate that it's the lawsuit that everyone is going to remember and not the amazing work done by the cast and crew. It's kind of like the situation with Debbi Morgan and the Emmys. I completely understand her viewpoint but she did some damn fine work and she deserves to be recognized for that.

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There were several key vets that were just as hurt as Debbi at OLTL when the first effort fell through, and they totally surprised me by coming back this year. I'm not saying that to diminish her pain or categorize it, because it's very keenly felt by me and I wish I could do something for her - what I mean is that I have a small ember of hope that wonders if someone more sane doesn't remount these productions in the next year or two, and manages to get Debbi back on board despite how she feels now, just as those OLTLers did this year.

I agree they were evolution for the genre, which is just what I was rambling about in the OLTL thread an hour or so ago.

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I thought Brooke Newton was fantastic in that episode. She shocked a lot of us and she just kept improving, IMO.

I think OLTL recovered from its meandering by the end. I hope you'll keep sharing your thoughts with us in the two threads. I'd give a lot to see the shows reconstituted while keeping the same production teams.

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That was the turning point for me on Colby and Newton. I was just about to write them both off as a drag queen caricature then Brooke Newton showed us Colby's heart and everything changed. I was breathless watching those scenes. Damn, I'm going to re-watch.

ETA: I just realized that's the same episode where Dixie wrote Billy Clyde her letter. I think that was one of the best episodes of the series.

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