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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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AMC's cancellation made Jimmy Fallon's monologue tonight. He quipped that the whole problem with the online venture was that no one's grandma knows how to use the Internet. "How do I find the Susan Lucci on here!?"/"That's the microwave!"/"The show is only three minutes long!?" Wocka wocka wocka.

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People will always assume grandmas are the vast audience. My mom got me hooked on soaps when I was a teen and she was in her 30's. Also, when all of the "What's Hula?" crap was going on, it wasn't as many older folks as I suspected. People younger than me didn't know anything! But as many of us have said before, more than likely online is the future of soaps if they don't crash altogether. These people need to get with the program.

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It will take several years of a soap succeeding online before that image begins to be broken.

I thought PP had the right recipe and aesthetic, but not the right funding. I still frankly hope in my faintest of dreams that someone can salvage the model, the casts and crews and yes, the sets.

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Greetings all, well I finally got the official call, saying PP is not going forward with AMC "at this time", left the door open a crack, hmmm! As disappointing as that news is, it was not a surprise. Just as they did the first time, PP chose to remain silent regarding their activities, and now that I've had some experience with them, I do believe that it was because Jeff just kept on beating the bushes trying to raise the money, never willing to cry uncle. I am sad for all of us, from Jeff to all of you, but gosh I'm grateful for the chance we had to make something new and wonderful from our beloved shows. Maybe when more fans are computer-savvy, and go online for content as a regular habit, investors will feel comfortable putting money into what was a grand experiment, perhaps ahead of its time, and only time will tell. Take care of yourselves, my lovelies, sending love to you all! Jill Larson
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Don't know how long it will last (irrespective or maybe as exhibit A of the PP/ABC mess, TV is a fickle medium), but at least Debbi Morgan has a next gig lined up:


Can't say I'm enamored of the subject matter but hey, it's a job!

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Exactly! I'm happy for all of the actors who manage to line up other jobs.

Robert Scott Wilson posted a photo on instagram today of a script with his name on it for a new Disney show called, "I Didn't Do It" that premieres in 2014. Not sure how big of a role it is or whether it's recurring vs. contract. Debbi has the role on Starz. Denyse Tontz is filming at least one episode of Dallas, hopefully more. Eric Nelsen is working. Vincent Irizarry was just on Homeland, and hopefully he'll have some additional opportunities.

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Lawsuits happen all the time in business, it's not usually a dealbreaker. It takes something very serious for two companies to never work together again. The whole PP/ABC kerfuffle is pretty minor as Hollywood "feuds" go. It's just part of doing business and if both parties think they can make money off the pilot becoming a successful series, they'll go for it.

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