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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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I've heard that before, and you know, Darn, I don't quite understand it. We can practically watch these shows on our shoes now, whenever and wherever we want, and we still feel overwhelmed? That's laziness.

(Not arguing with you, Darn, it just boggles my mind.)

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We do!! I had read your post earlier and LOL'd, but I forgot it was you who had written it. I just added that little line to make my post longer because I'm obsessive about not making short posts lol It's all good!!

I have to disagree on the 5th episode, though. Four is enough for me. A huge problem with soaps in the last decade or two if that TPTB didn't know what to do with all of that airtime. Hopefully 100 minutes per week of story is the right amount for our writers to do magic instead of being burned out. I've always said that most soaps should have went back to the half-hour in the late 90s ("most" meaning all but Y&R, GH, and DAYS -- each network's marquee soap).

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Exactly--and it wasn't like she totaly slanged it out, it almost sounded like going to ust said quickly. I don't really see why someone would say Brooke would NEVER speak that way (she has in the past....)

Shouldn't they wait till the show starts so people can ask about the specific show? As it is they'll prob just get a ton of questions about this expensive Hula thing.

I kept scrolling down expecting to see something that his hands were, umm full with....

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Thanks for the clarification, AMS! For a minute, I was feeling so damned put out, lol!

I won't touch the "Brooke English English" issue. That's an actor's call.

You know what would be better (given the age we live in)? Reverting to the fifteen-minute format, but still keeping it at five eps per week. Cheaper to produce, easier to download, less risk of burn-out.

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I think 15 mins is just a bit too short (especially if that means 15 mins with three mins commercials--I mean Bold and the Beautiful without commercials is only about 18 mins anyway.) For a while webseries were all about quick little episodes--how that was all people had time for, etc, but more and more this has been proven wrong and the ones that have really caught on have been 20+ mins.

It's also much harder to get new viewers (which PP of course really hopes to get) invested in 10 minute episodes. And with the current way all soaps are written, even if Ihave hope that AMC/OLTL will try new things, that would probably mean we'd get a ton of 1.5 minute scenes and nothing longer. It's a bit of a paradox, while I feel hour episodes a day (even if again they amount to more like 37 minutes) are too long and that scares away new viewers wanting to invest, so I think the 25 minute mark (which is what I'm guessing these will be without commercials) is a good meeting point.

Even in the mid 60s with decades of fan following, Schemering talks about in his Guiding Light book how people involved, like Agnes Nixon felt audiences were starting to lose interest and move to the 30 min soaps because there was ust too little to do with the format.

No Friday doesn't bug me, though. As it stands, usually on Friday's I am busy with work and then meet up with friends for food or drinks or get ready to go out and don't get around to watching that episode till Sunday night--if I'm not too busy preparing for the next work week.

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How is it lazy? Some people just have busy lives. Or maybe different priorities. If I watched every show I wanted to watch all the time I'd never leave the apartment.

And soap operas, unlike a one hour drama aired once a week or a half hour sitcom, are a real commitment. You get behind one week and suddenly you have hours of programming to catch up on. It's not easy. They're catering to viewer lifestyles and I think it makes sense.

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For those interested, FX/Canada's showings of AMC/OLTL just showed up in my DVR so I set series recordings. Here in Victoria so PST time it will air at 9am, with OLTL at 9:30 and then repeated at 2-3 (which means if I watch GH which airs at 1pm I can watch them right after--though I rarely will be able to watch live). At the east coast that's 12-1 and 5-6 (which means some might be able to watch after work/school). They're replacing an hour block of 30 Rock reruns (in both time slots)

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