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HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHA - yup me being a sore winner smile.png

OMG Topaz What an idiot!!!!! laugh.png That has got to be one of the biggest blunders in reality-game history. laugh.png And it was the DECIDING VOTE! laugh.png

I thought it was a total fix job that Gary was given a second chance, so naturally I didn't root for him. Then I also had a feeling that one of the final HIOH competitions was going to a "fixed competition" where the producers decide who wins and I was right. It was a "timed" competition where the two competitors aren't competing at the same time - a way so we don't see who finishes first. The producers had this game planned in case Gary didn't win the first HOH comp.

Throughout the entire episode, I had an uneasy feeling as I thought Gary was going to win this - the jurors comments backed that up by their bitterness towards Jillian, especially Peter who I really liked until he was booted out of the house. He seem like the most bitter person in the jury. It was a very ugly side of him. I was disappointed to see that.

Yes!! Congrats to Jillian, who was the only houseguest to be in the house from DAY ONE. She lied, she backstabbed, she won competitions, she was funny....I couldn't be more happy for her.

I also hated that they interviewed the final 3, who revealed the results on the final HOH comps, before actually showing us who won the comps. The producers on this show are so stupid.

Watch BBCanada give Gary something. I don't care just as long as it's less than what Jillian got.

I still can't get over Topaz's dumbness. Take that producers with your rigging and incompetence! You tried to give the game to Gary but in the end it was Gary's biggest ally who cost Gary the money and the car. I call that JUSTICE!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! laugh.png

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