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Crystal Chappell's Memoir

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I wouldn't be surprised if a bitter stan of CC's said something like that. Maybe KA is a diva, maybe not, but from how CC acted on twitter I have no sympathy for her at all. If I remember right PR basically told her to STOP about the twitter stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if she bad mouth's him cause of that.

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Maybe it's just me, but I found it strange that the whole Bo/Hope/Carly story played out with very little interaction between Carly and Hope. Maybe it was bad writing or Days' new shooting schedule, but something seemed not right. The kind of not right where one actor might not want to work with another actor kind of not right. Then she became the town pariah and then a drug addict digging through trash cans. C'mon this was Katerina Von Leuschner, the actress got on somebody's bad side.

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I'm going to speak on this once and then that will be it. For starters I've never really liked CC's acting. She always has this depressed look on her face. Like she's pissed off she's at work or something. Secondly I do not like it when people play the victim. Some may disagree with me but I feel like she is playing victim. "Oh they treated me bad at DAYS and it was bad at GL". We've all had disagreements with people. There are people that I flat out do not like, but I'm not going to write a book about them. She's a big friend of Nellie Branco and the way the two talk on their twitter accounts makes you think she isn't innocent. There were people that my father worked with for 14 years that he didn't like. But he didn't start nothing with them. He went to work and did his job even if that means he had to work with them on that particular day. Btw, I am sorry but that cover looks trashy.

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She's always played the victim. For as long as I can remember, she's had some dark story about what happened at her last job and how circumstances colluded to throw her out.

I loved CC on OLTL, I liked her on GL and at times I have liked her on DAYS. And I have no doubt that at least elements of what she said about her time at DAYS and with Kristian Alfonso and Ken Corday are likely very true. And if that's so, then it was wrong. But Kristian Alfonso, whatever her faults, has always taken the high road in public. She's never gotten in the gutter. Crystal Chappell, OTOH, never, ever gets her [!@#$%^&*] together, and then blames it all on the soaps she works on when she's just "too real" for them. She gets rip roaring drunk on Twitter with a bunch of lusty fangirls and Nelson Branco and goes on an embarrassing semi-public rampage, then tries to pretend like she had no part in this kind of foolishness. When you're making Kim Zimmer (who I believe she also trashed in her book, whereas in her own bio Kim is hardest on herself and doesn't trash any co-stars) look like the soul of grace and discretion, you know that you are the problem, no one else. Chappell's her own worst enemy. She makes it easy to end up repeatedly unemployed, coasting on fumes from a dead soap opera and a gaggle of overinvested lesbians who she increasingly panders to as opposed to building any kind of viable future career or employment opportunities. It's embarrassing to witness.

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CC should kneel and kiss Queen Zimmer's ring. She got ten years of employment playing Reva's rival after coming off her LUDICROUS nun/clown story on OLTL. While I FLOVED Olivia (her speech at Phillip's funeral is one of my all-time favorites), I constantly shake my head at CC's post-GL choices.

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As I've said before, if you're going to be a bitch, at least have the goods to back it up. Those three were glorious on GUIDING LIGHT, so if they ever pulled any diva routines, they were justified.

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You know, the more I think about Kristian Alfonso's alleged treatment of others on the DAYS set, the more I think it has less to do with feeling entitled, and more to do with feeling hungry. I mean, have you seen homegirl lately? You'd be a bitch too if you deprived yourself of food like she obviously does. I'm just saying.

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As a straight female, I will easily say Kristian Alfonso was gorgeous in her '80s heyday. But, go figure, that was when TIIC and Peter Reckell were allegedly calling her fat and telling her that she needed to lose weight.

So as sad as it is, with her looking like Skeletor now, I'm guessing it is a simple case of the pendulum swinging too far in the other direction.

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And really, her figure then reminded me of Sophia Loren, whom Charlton Heston described once (and affectionately) as "a whole lot of woman."

You're right, Wendy, it is sad to think about what has happened since those DAYS, er, days.

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