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GH: Discussion for the Month of January

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LOL...JT looked worse a couple of weeks ago when he was shirtless. He seemed a little bit more pudge in today's episode. Spinelli is just grosssssssss

JT is a good looking guy. I am surprised he doesnt work out and get that hot body to add to his handsome face.

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Speaking of Liz, I keep hearing about this sizzling chemistry between her and my AJ and how they've just got to hook up and...well...I'm not on that bandwagon just yet (and don't know if I'll ever be). Granted, I saw just a few scenes between the two of them (and spent 75% of them wishing that she could go jump off a cliff) and so I may not be totally clued in, but I'm not seeing it.

I'll admit that I am biased by the fact that:

  1. My AJ deserves better than the roided goiter's sloppy seconds. He's been there and done that more than once and it damn near cost him his life. I've waited far too long for my AJ to return as the glorious prince that he once was for him to be sidelined by the Liz of today.
  2. Liz hasn't been a worthwhile character to root for in a decade. Granted, I haven't seen her much since the Cartini takeover last year, but I still consider her the female character who was destroyed the most under showkiller Guza's poison pen and cryptkeeper Frons' tutelage. They're going to have to do a lot more than just stick her in scenes with my AJ to rehabilitate her character - something that ought to be done before this show ends.
  3. It seems that folks want them together because they just happen to be unattached, which backfires almost all the time these days. The last thing that I want is to see my AJ's comeback marred by him being roped into a pairing that is unappealing.

Then again, if Ron decides to go forward with them, I can find one positive thing about it:

  1. It'll hinder the chance of the Slagbeast getting her crusty fangs into him once again.
  2. Should I be unlucky enough to see said Slagbeast in my AJ's orbit, hopefully, Liz will finally cash in on the opportunity to backslap that bitch to kingdom come. After all, it's only right that she gets to do what so many women - the majority of whom came on after her - got to do before her.
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I admit, clothed, I find Patrick to be one of the more handsome characters on GH--and I also get tired of guys on TV (especially soaps) having Robert Ford style 8-pack bodies, which don't appeal to me, but.... I kinda hate myself for agreeing. I only work out a few days every week, and am fairly lazy, and I have a better body (something I rarely find myself saying about guys on soaps...) His is just... odd.

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They couldn't have shaved off 20 seconds (or all of) the shower scene instead?

I always forget you didn't really watch Carlivati's OLTL... This is par for the course.

I sympathize with Kassie wanting to be on GH--she seemed very excited at first--but, despite Ron in that interview last month claiming his ultimate goal was to bring in Blair just when everything was perfect for Tarly, she really should have seen the writing on the wall...

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I know people will tweet anything, and re tweet it, but shouldn't these people know better? Even more so than having doubts about PP, after Brian Frons (and other execs) would claim they weren't cancelling a soap and were happy, and then turn around and cancel them, these kinds of quotes mean nothing, IMHO.

Back when ABC was trying for all of 3 months to do some online content--they would show extended and cut scenes from OLTL. I don't remember any of them being very important, but it would be cool of they do something like that again. (Still, I would have rather they had cut something else--the scene was probably about 5 lines from Mac).

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