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GH: December 2012 Discussion Thread

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There are so many people on the force, John being in another job would probably help the character. I would have him as a PI, or something completely new - maybe run a club and have Felicia and Mac go back to the PI business.

You don't bring a character on a show because an actor was popular with an actress ten years ago on a show a handful of people watched. I will never particularly understand that decision, especially since ME and KM haven't exactly set the world on fire.

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I love Michael Easton ( I always feel the need to say that) but IMO, the problems with John McBain go much deeper than his job (and for the record, no, I'm not referring to his pairings.)

I think that the cop-to-PI thing is a bit worn out on soaps although not unworkable but I agree it's time for him to change careers. I've seen some decent feedback on John when he's in scenes with Anna. If GH wants to rehab the character of McBain, developing a real, honest, respectful, platonic friendship between Anna and John would be a good place to start. Soaps don't do friendships much anymore so investing in that one would stand out. At some point John McBain needs to be about more than trying to find out who killed somebody. He's spent his onscreen life looking for the person who killed his fiancé, father, sister and now Jason. The only killer he hasn't tried to find is the guy who shot Tupac.

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I'm sure Faison was responsible for that, too.

I feel like we're on our way to a contest here: "Watch all four soaps and see if you can spot who's wearing the dress (and where)!"

Meanwhile, I'm over Kelly Sullivan's poor acting choices. I still think she's awful, but now it's like, "Meh, what're gonna do?". Know what I'm saying?

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Agreed about Brenda's popularity being tied to her beauty and charisma. She is not the greatest actress, but she is/was good at playing Brenda. I never got all hoopla about her appearance in regards to getting work done. To me, she looked visibly different from 90's Brenda as early as 2002. She had some work done between 98 and her return (maybe a nose job?). She looked the same to me, just a bit skinny and a bit over-botoxed, as well as being styled ridiculously bad by GH. Still very beautiful.

In regards to her charisma, it was lacking this last return, but VM seriously stopped trying. She (or the writers/directors) seem to play up her quirks that were mildly endearing in small doses in the 90's (the cackle, the sleeves,the slight emotionally instability, the whispering, etc.) and made them actual personality traits. They sucked the life out of any charm she had. I also think the writers and VM had a hard time executing a grown up Brenda, not a girl in her twenties What's cute in your early twenties ain't so cute when you are worldly woman in your late thirties or early forties (whatever age she is supposed to be).

Oh well, it's all a moot point really. I'd like to see her again and in a more well-received return. Leave it to GH to eff up the return of one ALL of their most popular characters.

At least I have Connie gifs to keep me entertained!

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