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GH: December 2012 Discussion Thread

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Guza had stopped trying, too. In fact, I can't remember the last time he wrote an actual story for GH, let alone one that was good. By the time VM had returned again, GH had become, IMO, just a series of ratings stunts and Emmy grabs strung together to appear like a daytime soap opera. Now, you could say that the length of time she'd agreed to return for worked against the writers, making it impossible for them to write anything with serious impact on the rest of the canvas. I say, though, if you sit down, decide what you want to do with a limited-run actor, and how you want to tie it in with the other, ongoing stories, you can produce something that gives the proverbial bang for your buck, both in the short and long run.

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Don't give that heifer so much credit. VM only (dis)graces us with her presence to prove her continued (ir)relevance and for mortgage payments. Guza took a sledgehammer to Brenda because VM refused to do the Brante story because Brenda would never "do that" to Sonny even though neither knew about Sonny/Dante when Brante had been together. VM stopped acting long ago, and she will only return demanding more money than everyone else and, of course, work less.

She's gonna have to find another way to pay back Brian Austin Green because GH does not need her.

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I honestly dont see a place for Brenda right now on the show. Perhaps if they were writing Sonny off then yes, but right now no. VM really hasn't had much work since GH, she was on in the tail end years of 90210 and her show Vegas with Josh Duahmel got cancelled.

Sorry this is my stress relief on my lunch break at work...Im on SUPER MAJOR stress overload!!!!!!

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Well, I don't think the length of her stay should have been a factor. TPTB knew the length of her contract and could have paced a decent story and perhaps hope she re-signs, but the odds were against that from the beginning. It's not like she left abrubtly like she did in 2002 where they were very ill-prepared for her exit. GH was awkward for months trying to fill the absence of the actress they built an entire show around for six months. You would think Guza would have learned his lesson and planned accordingly, but whatever. I am not saying this is VM's fault because, honestly, Guza stopped trying in about 2005 and was awful, but there was certainly a moment about a month into her return where you could just feel she wasn't into the crap storyline she was being given. She only perked up briefly and acted like the Brenda of old during S&B's wedding.

I am of the mind that Guza isn't a bad writer he just got very stale and had way too much control. Wendy Riche was good at reigning him in. He just started to heavily rely on violent sweeps stunts and past good storylines. I mean, Clink Boom was epic, perhaps his shining moment at GH, but I did not have to see it re-done with slight variations and with different characters four or five times. Jason being the hero in EVERY scenario was just absolutely ridiculous. I tend to think if someone seriously sat him down and told him violence and a reliance on three cast members is not beneficial to GH instead of blowing smoke up his ass telling how wonderful he is, perhaps a change could of been made before the show spiraled out of control into utter crap, as it was in 2010. Or perhaps he is a writer that is decent in small doses (a couple of years), but is not creative enough to write for the same show long-term. Regardless, the show now is more balanced and has some good stories overall, but I don't necessarily think RC is better than Guza as a writer. He has his own weird obsessions (DID, OLTLers, campy schlock like Olivia the psychic) and I think people are more receptive to this because it's something different and new. If I had to deal with 10-15 yrs of RC (I know GH won't last that long) I would probably hate him as much or more than Guza.

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Considering that there are more people on-canvas who are tied to Brenda these days than there was last year, she should have no problem fitting right back in. Contrary to what showkiller Guza thought, there was more to her than S&B (much as I love them).

Like I said before, she and her fans deserved a hell of a lot better than what she was served. This show owes it to me to bring her back in before this show ends to reverse the bullshit that showkiller Guza put her through. If Ron can successfully scrub away the stench of the hatchet job that that hack had done to AJ Quartermaine, I see no reason why he can't do the same for Brenda.

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Well, I for one, am glad she put her foot down with that story. I am not for actors throwing their weight around and dictating what they will or won't do at a job they are being paid well (at least in her case) to do, but that story was total [!@#$%^&*], so I am fine with it. Works for my agenda because Brante were seriously icky and awkward and completely lacking of chemistry, and I just couldn't deal with. Nor could I deal with Sonny's OTT, barware throwing reaction when he found out. Besides, I don't think the primary factor of her being on GH is money, although I am sure she is paid handsomely, but more the workload. She doesn't seem to like the fast pace and long days at all. That seems to be her biggest complaint from her interviews, but I guess it's uncouth in the soapworld to say 'I want more money', so who knows.

And she won the case against BAG, so she doesn't have to pay him back! No worries!wink.png

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Oh you're right. Her interactions with them were so minimal I had forgotten. In 2002, I thought she sparkled with Sonny in their few scenes much more than Jax, but in 2010 it was the exact opposite. Everything they gave Brenda and S&B was basically horrible, outside the wedding. Nothing can change that, but I need a better S&B or Brenda story sometime before this show ends.

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