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GH: December 2012 Discussion Thread

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AJ Quartermaine and Michael Corinthos Quartermaine...wub.png

On another note, I have to say that SK's return to the role that made him a soap star has done wonders for the show. He's made Eeyore tolerable, brought the Qs more screentime in the past month than they've had in the last 5 years, has put the screws on Sonny and his Slagbeast via his mere presence, all while having chemistry with damn near everyone he's come in contact with thus far.

After years of being saddled with his worthless bastard of a brother as the hero of the show (as well as the no-talent that garnered an undeserved abundance of airtime), it's so refreshing to see an engaging character that is played by an actor that always bothers to actually show up onscreen.

To this, I thank Frank for, though I reserve my right to snatch it back if he (and Ron) screw this up.

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I think it's odd that there isn't more concern over Maxie being a heart transplant patient. I'm far from an expert, but I have to believe that's a fairly big risk. Strange that there is no discussion of how it might impact her ability to carry her own child down the road.

I like seeing Sam involved more with people who aren't Jason. Overall, I feel like GH is mixing things up more lately and I like it.

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It could still play a bigger role, with Maxie having complications down the road with the pregnancy (or maybe the egg gets rejected or something).

I agree that it should be brought up more, but it could be that Mac & Felicia are conceding that she's an adult now (although in this case it should probably be overrided, given her health issues).

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Maxie dying in chidbirth (or even the 1st trimester) is the payoff of all [!@#$%^&*] payoffs!

And the fact that Looloo would allow a heart transplant recipient do this just proves what a selfish unfeeling twat she truly is. Dumbte going along? He and his green panties are for the birds!

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I would love to have Brenda back. She is legitimately my favorite soap character of all time. Her 2010 story was exhausting and painful for me, but I think Ron could do a decent job with her return. IMO, she has tons of unfinished business. Their divorce seriously came out of nowhere and they need to cut this Skate crap out. At least VM and MB have chemistry and an actual history that played out onscreen. I am not necessarily waiting with a baited breath for her to return, but I do think she will eventually.

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Same here (or at least, my all-time favorite GH soap character of all time). Frankly, this show owes it to Brenda Barrett to make up for the shiteous mess they made of her last tenure and I see no reason why she shouldn't be one of the many returning characters to grace my screen.

Unlike the horrid 2010-2011 canvas, she actually has more than just my Robin to lean on (not that showkiller Guza ever bothered to fart out more than a couple of scenes between those two best friends during her last run) - as both my AJ and my Lucy will be there for her to interact with until Robin finally returns home.

As for S&B (my favorite GH couple of all time that showkiller Guza went out of his way to sh!t all over), as much as I'd love them back together in the end (as I, too, bore witness to their amazing chemistry and history onscreen), Ron has to do some major (and I mean more than what he's doing with his relationship with Eeyore) reconstruction with Sonny's character (as in the equivalent of crawling on broken glass) to make him truly worthy of Brenda's love again.

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On this board, there isn't a ton of Brenda love. I think you and I are by far her biggest fans here. I mean if you think about Anna, Robert, and AJ have all overcome crappy returns and/or horrible writing, so I am willing to get over 2010 fairly easily. It's not like her character was ruined (at least IMO). Although Ron and Frank don't seem to care much about Sonny in general, I can't see him ending up with Kate when all is said and done. I am sure he will end up with Brenda or, if they can't get VM back, Carly. Brenda, even at her worst in 2010 >>>>>>>>>>Kate, at any point even with MW. If Sonny put half the effort into his marriage that he has trying to get Kate back, he would still be married, which is just super annoying. I don't even care if she ends up with Sonny. I will take her with Jax, AJ, a new guy and be fine with it, but I do think the character deserves more closure and a better ending than what was shown onscreen last year.

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AJ is not fighting over anything. He owned his mistakes and told Michael the heinous things Carly and Sonny did. Its not like he is lying.

Carly is the one running around shreiking, saying she made mistakes to Michael and in the same day can run to Todd and say she wants to kill AJ. And Sonny :lol: trying to get Alexis to put a restraining order in effect without Michael's consent.


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