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YR: Christine/Paul spoiler from TV Guide

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on November 16th Cricket shares a kiss with Paul(who is currently in love with her best friend Nina)

Lauralee says she doesn't know what crazieness is going on with her character, but she loves it. She says it's not some meaningless thing, it's a serious, emotional reconnection for Cricket and Paul, it could be a second chance for them

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I thought I had seen desperate fans writing and rewriting a show's storylines, but it's much more rare to see an actor do this. There was little comfort between Paul and Chris since the time of their "rough sex," and Christine has been very emotionally disturbed in recent years - the calm is packed away somewhere with that old cream mini-skirt she wore for years on end.

How sad that Chris would stab her best friend in the back that way. I wonder if Nina will be leaving town when Paul breaks up with her. I keep forgetting they're even supposed to be together.

Going back to this Chris/Paul/Danny thing all these years later is bewildering to me.

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I never liked Paul and Cricket together. I dont like the pairing of Nina and Paul either. I always thought Cricket and Danny were the couple. Paul should have stayed with Lauren...now that was a couple.....I also liked Paul with Cassandra Rawlins.

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I hate that Nina will get hurt, but maybe they are working towards bringing in a man for her. I know i keep dreaming but maybe it will turn out that the new mexican character coming on will be related to John Silva and he and Nina can start dating again.

Haha I love Lauralee's comments about Maria's exit. She could care less that she's gone, she wasn't holding back at all.

I have to admit i would have loved if Cricket got back with Danny, but I guess this is the best they can do if Michael Damian doesn't wangt to be on the show that much.

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