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Well this was interesting. Isabelle Rochev (isn't that her name?) dies but an injection of mirakuru seems to have revived her. I guess those two people we met at STAR Labs will be Flash cast members. Jury still out there. The Queens going broke sort of makes no sense. I get the ridiculously wealthy often have trusts and whatever own their vast wealth to avoid taxes, but you mean to say they have nothing???

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Freakin'motherfuckinay! I love this show! I'll miss Susanna Thompson too. (and this is like the fifth show that's reminded me of Alias with a car wreck coming out of nowhere... but anyway) I was expecting Slade to make Oliver chose between two women---I just never thought it would be Moira and Thea. Or come with three eppys left.

*mind blown*

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I can't believe this episode! Not Moira!!! She was one of the best characters on the show, but I just read an interview with the producers and they felt there was nowhere left to take this character since she was about to reveal her last secret and without secrets she just isn't Moira. I will miss her and the show just won't be the same.

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The entire second half of this season has just gone downhill every week. Last week may have been the final straw for me. I didn't even like Moira. but if they don't start killing off the right people soon (Malcolm, Slade, Isabel, Blood, etc), I'm not planning to hang around past this season. I hate when a show gets ruined for me but IMO this big all encompassing bad guy just doesn't work on this show. I liked last season when there was a bad guy or two and then he was gone.

Ugh, I didn't enjoy tonights episode at all. Not even a single part of it. And that's almost NEVER happened since maybe episode 3 of the first season.

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I'm almost the exact opposite---the villains of the week bore me. I'm more interested in a longer term villain, someone who really tests our hero and takes him to the limit.

I do agree this eppy was a let down, though, after last week's. Even if it's really the first hour of a three hour finale. It was a lot of set-up, which made it drag. And I had some funky audio, it sounded like it came through a tin can.

And dragging Laurel into it was a major buzzkill. I cheered when Ollie told her to stay put; that this had started with Ollie, Digg and Felicity, and they needed to go.

I do wish Walter would stick around. I like him.

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I liked the episode. It is the prologue to the finale and it set up all the action and danger to come. I also liked how the Queens have just collapsed and Thea is now basically some orphan in the storm with nobody and nothing. I imagine it is time for Roy to wake up and save her. We have waited all year for Blood to do something so I am glad he is finally getting his episode. And I hope Walter, Thea and Ollie can have some sort of family unit because it is just too sad what has happened to them by that no good witch Isabel. And she I imagine will be dying for good somehow sooner or later.

In the comics Ollie was a wealthy millionaire who wound up losing everything after 30 years in publication and he became sort of a counter culture rebel, fighting injustice and the man at the same time. I guess I could see him being permanently poor, although he would then need Walter to buy his arrows for him.

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Good episode and I love how everything just goes from bad to worse to worser. Blood was a fool to stick around. Thea is a fool because Malcolm is the only one around capable of protecting her. I doubt he is dead though and he probably is wearing bulletproof leather. Next week is the finale and there is a lot to still cover. I don't see how one hour is enough to save the city, have a showdown with Slade, resolve Thea's situation, wake up Roy, dispose of Isbael and still find time for the Lances and the Islan, not to mention ARGUS.

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Another episode I didn't enjoy. Instead of building momentum like last season this has just been blah for the last 3 months. Hated seeing Malcolm return. There are just too many major villains on the show right now.

BTW, today is Stephen Amell's birthday

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This show is so frakkin' awesome! I wasn't expecting Slade's destruction of Starling to be about hurting Oliver, which makes me wonder who the "another person" is who Slade is targeting to die. I mean, he's already passed on Thea twice. Laurel? Maybe, but that's a boring choice. Is it Sara, who Slade sees as Ollie's choice over Shado? Felicity? I dunno.

I was a little surprised also that Isabel seems so bloodthirsty to go after Felicity.

And they don't have to resolve all the threads in the next episode. They just have to get to the point where Ollie can assure ARGUS not to level Starling.

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Another great finale. The best scene was Ollie and Felicity and the show really had me thinking this was real, perhaps it was. I am glad Slade is done as Manu Bennett is sort of boring. Thea...well I guess she will come back a villain sooner or later, this whole thing was telegraphed from the start. Not sure what I think about the new scenario in the past, but I guess Ollie was an arrow for hire for Waller in the past. I don't recall them mentioning this that they knew each other.

It will be a long summer without the Team Arrow.

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What a great finale to end a fantastic season! I totally fell for the fake "You're the one I really love" scene with Ollie/Felicity but it looks like they're going to be slow burn which is the right way to do it. I thought Thea has been very boring until these last two episodes. I like the idea of her father taking her under his wing. Season 3 Thea should definitely be more interesting now.

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When Ollie said it to Felicity---the first thing I thought was !@#$%^&*], Felicity's going to bite it. So, on that level, I was okay with the fake out. Then I was depressed because I thought when they were back at the island, we'd get something. Anything. But those fuckers didn't give us anything. As much as I want Olicity, I hope Felicity gets to move on a little. Ollie gets to screw a chick every couple of episodes. I want Felicity to have a life. Even Digg's gonna be a poppa. Time for Fel to get some lovin'.

Yeah, I thought the finale was great. I loved that Olllie involved Felicity in the plot to get to Slade. It was so action packed, I literally couldn't believe the first twenty minutes were only twenty minutes into the show. I'm a little concerned about next season, 'cause I'm not really sure I'm going to dig the Hong Kong flashbacks as much as I liked the island ones. But I am intrigued about Malcolm and his influence on Thea.

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