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GH: Discussion for the Month of April

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I KNEW Ronnie was the attacker. Called that months ago! Wow. Glad they might finally get rid of his sanctimonious ass. What's up with Lulu being in investigator mode these days? LOL

I was LMAO when Starr was telling Johnny that she was a singer. She was acting like was some well known popstar or something. Little girl, NO you are not & never will be. Also, I wish we didn't need to know that was KA singing during that montage this week. I think I would've liked it more, LOL.

I didn't understand the cake scene with Connie...WTH was the point of her doing that. It's like they were trying to make us laugh and not feel compelled at all. Before she did that she said she was going to make Sonny pay, um what is destroying his cake going to do to him?! This is a really lame "story" to me because nothing Connie has done so far has affected Sonny, they are just using this girl to flirt with all the guys on the show & act stupid for no reason. It's just embarrasing.

I wonder what Molly and TJ have been up to lately?!

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It was supposed to make us sit up and take notice of Connie, like, "Uh-oh, Sonny betta watch his back, this girl means bidness."

Yeah, I know, it didn't scare me either. wink.png

Q: Is this RC's story, or did this begin with Garin Wolf? Because, not to sound like a GW apologist, but I feel like it wouldn't have been this OTT with him or even Bob Guza.

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Lulu is incredibly pointless. She is just doing Natalie's CSI stories, which they only gave Natalie because they had no interest in writing for her beyond brood mare.

Some comment from RC suggested he was just doing a story that had been started, but I interpreted it to mean he felt like the pieces were there because of Kate formerly being named Connie. Either way, it's just a lazy non-story, like everything on GH now, and everything on the last years of OLTL.

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Well, knowing what we know now... I really don't think Garin Wolf's tenure was "bland and boring" because that's how he writes, I think it was due to him just being a placeholder until Cartini came aboard and ABC only let him do so much. I think that was pretty much the plan from the word GO! I don't think ABC had any intention on keeping Wolf as head writer.

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Luke left the show in 1983 or 84. Anna came on in 85 and 'died' in 92. Luke came back in 93 and never met Anna till 2006. They are old friends based on seeing each other the few times they have both been in PC at the same time in the last 6 years. It's not even like they could have formed a friendship offscreen. Luke was on the run for almost a decade and she was thought to be dead for the next
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