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LOGO Dumps All Gay Programming


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I can honestly say that I am not surprised since Logo is owned by Viacom, who is notorious for this kind of sh!t. The writing was on the wall when I started seeing Teen Mom/16 and Pregnant marathons on the channel.

I wouldn't be surprised if that show, despite being the highest-rated original one on the network, gets the boot down the line.

Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?

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Another example of Network Decay.

I don't watch LOGO. Yet, I find this weird that they're turning this into another 'We play whatever' type station. There's already enough of those. Seems like Niche stations are *this* close to dead.

Wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing CSI Miami on the Food Network soon. Or something as random as that. :lol:

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This reminds me of when TNN became Spike.

This channel seemed to be held in low regard from early on.

I have heard nothing but bile about the A List and I am not sorry to see yet more bad stereotypes off TV.

The next time someone tells you about the gay agenda running all over TV, tell them about this LOGO stunt. Gay representation on TV continues to detiorate and humiliate.

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This is an odd move. LOGO must have been losing money. I am pretty sure it is owned by CBS or that CBS has a stake in it which is why there was so much censorship. I think it will have to change its name if this change is going work since it is now so strongly identified with gay programming,

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Most probably a financial decision.If crap like 'The A List' was the best they could offer,then no wonder the 'gay' viewers weren't interested.

Anyway,Bravo is the unofficial gay network.

I do think there is a change happening and gay consumers no longer wish to be pigeon holed.

I am so tired of advertisers trying to categorize everybody according to their research, which only seems to prove what they believed in the first place.

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Basically! :lol:

OMG, what gay in glasses came up with this dumb ass idea? I could be very wrong, but this sounds like some executive or executives had a Come to Ellen moment about gay acceptance/integration, how the "gay issue" is no longer an issue, or it shouldn't be an issue any longer, and the only way to guarantee that is to not treat it like an issue, and BAM!, you have a gay network with no gay. HiLURRious. I pray for their sake that no one on their team tries to bring BET into this conversation because they will get served their own head.

I've only caught two shows on Logo, one was the Big Gay Sketch Comedy Show with Rosie and Chaz Bono playing Statler and Waldorf at the end. I remember the sketches I saw as being pretty funny. The one I constantly flip past while channel surfing is called 1 Girl 5 Gays and they just ask random questions and share their opinions. It was kind of funny but of course a lot of it was wannabe shocking sex questions and that got tiresome very quickly.

Maybe they could move away from their silly pink poofy pom-pom yay-yay we're gay type stuff and do more serious programming, like something that profiles a bullied gay teen once a week and stages interventions at his/her high school to educate and shame the bullies. There's no problem with doing a little reformatting, but when you have a platform like that, at least do something responsible with it. I guess the point though is why would a homophobe or anyone insecure in their sexuality watch a "gay network" to begin with, but you have to start somewhere.

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