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Whitney Houston dead at 48!


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Sunday indeed.

The SIL is talking about how pissed [sIL] was the night before Whitney passed. She didn't want Whitney to go to that party. SIL/Whitney are in the pictures outside the club where Whitney looks drunk and SIL looks agitated at the whole situation. So Oprah goes there and asks her what really happened in the club that night.

SIL liked/likes Bobby Brown.

Hopefully this is not just a case of great editing to make something look more interesting than it is. I wasn't initially planning a date night with this special until those clips dropped.

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Yeah, I've been going back and forth between Oprah and the Celebrity Apprentice. The interview with the sister-in-law is excellent. Still about 40 minutes to go. SIL tugged at my heart. [ETA: Oh, I guess this is 90-minute program. Ended with Whitney's bro breaking down after very, very meaningfully singing "I Look to You" :(...]

The interview with the daughter is what it should be at this stage. Oprah just asking her how she's doing.

Madonna's first public comments on Whitney Houston's passing...


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Something seems very off about Bobbi Kristina.

I don't know her personally, so I have no idea of her real personality. But I get the sense that she puts on this "wise beyond her years" act while she really has no clue about how to deal with all that's happening in her life. That's what stuck out to me during her time with Oprah on the interview today. It's like she thinks she's a mature woman full of wisdom, but she's still a teenager.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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She's been through a lot.

I don't know if I got the impression that she thinks she's more well adjusted than she is or more mature. I felt she very much had the face on of telling herself and others what she needs to tell them to cope. Right now, I think she has a lot of ideas about how to go on and function (name change, career) but it's just her trying to cope in the moment. It's early in the process. I hope her family will just not lose sight of her because I don't think this is going to be anywhere close to an easy road for her.

What got to me is she was still sleeping in her mothers arms just the day before. Pre my teenage years, I used to sleep on my moms bed a lot. I used to be so scared she wouldn't make it past the next day alive too due to circumstances around us. I sort of cherished that quiet time where I knew she was okay. I can't imagine being in that mind set currently as much as I still love my mother. It's very much a childs mindset (I'm sure she grew up fearing her mother could die at any moment more than a regular kid would) and then to lose the parent in that state of mind - not that it is ever easy to lose a parent.

I hope she can make peace with Bobby if they're really not at peace. He may suck at some of the fathering aspects but he is her father and part of the healing process for her here will be not to close herself off from her other loved ones,

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The Oprah interview was shady. Shady, shady, shady.

Bobbi Kristina is a lost little girl. A child. And a foolish child. A foolish child who has been raised by enablers.

Pat Houston pimped her candle company, Marion P Candles, mentioning the infomercial Whitney was going to film for the company, several times verbally, plus a close up of the candle during the program and a bit of B Roll of Whitney and Pat holding a candle.

Gary Garland Houston, Pat's husband, was arrested for drug possession back in the day. Of course likes Bobby Brown. They're cut from the same cloth. Further, his singing was...bizarre. Breaking down right at the end of it...really?

Finally, Oprah's behaviour as the credits rolled...she doesn't care at all about these people, "I've done all I can take!" she said. "Thank you for getting through all that" she said to Pat Houston. This was a business deal.

Yet again, Whitney Houston was used by other people to further financial gain. She should be rolling in her grave.

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^^^Oh, definitely, it was very bizarre.

Anyone who had Whitney's best interests at heart would never allow her to do an infomercial. Unless it's Proactiv, that's extremely hasbeen territory, especially for a candle of all things.

Oprah needed something to give her failing network a ratings boost, and since the Whitney special last month was their highest rated special programming in some time, she concocted this edition of Oprah's Next Chapter to strike while the iron was still hot.

Gary and Pat played into it for their own interests.

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I haven't watched yet so I can't judge, but that sounds disturbing.

I kind of wish they'd interviewed Tina Brown, as I read some of her accounts of Whitney's drug spiral and they were harrowing. The part which stayed with me was when she had scars all over her legs :(

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The sister in law sugar coated Whitney's drug spiral. She pretty much blamed the other woman for the brawl at the Kelly Price's party. That she kept following Whitney around...and of course the other woman...said the opposite. I kind of tend to believe the other woman just because of what Whitney's sister in law said about being angry with Whitney after they left the party. And Whitney did look bad in that picture...she looked totally out of it. I found it very telling that Whitney was looking for her the following morning/day and her sister in law was avoiding her. I have a feeling Whitney was feeling bad about the night before and needed someone(her sister in law). Had Pat gone to see Whitney that morning I dont think she would have died. I have a feeling Whitney felt all alone and at the point didnt care what happened to her.

Then Oprah asks if she was at peace with how she left things with Whitney and she said yes. Hmmm...I have my doubts.

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