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GH: Discussion for the Month of February

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I just caught up on the last few episode - wow, so does Mo not even try anymore? he has been a lazy actor for a good 10-15 years now, but he usually steps up and delivers during big scenes. But he was unbearable during the party.

Also, this kate recast? Beyond bad.

And where is Lulu in all of this?

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Robin has always been my number one favorite. But she's followed extremely closely by Bobbie/Skye, Liz, Monica, etc. I've just always had an attachment to Robin that I don't really have with any other character.

Oh my God, I just realized....Poor Mac. sad.png He already lost Georgie and now Robin, too? The poor man can't keep a daughter sad.png I'm tearing up just thinking about it...

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I'll disagree. That to me would have been more poignantly realistic and meaningful then this silly murder accident they wrote for her. But GH is all about sensationalism these days.

Good God why? Why would anyone want to save this soulless android of a human being? I wish he would go on another road trip and just leave. Why is he still here?

I actually think that was the major flaw of her character. The fact that she knew Sonny and Jason killed people but was always and forever willing to defend them for their wrong doing discredited her in such a huge way. The same way it eventually did in the Brenda/Sonny relationship. Robin was always a very moral, upright and noble crusader for all intensive purposes which is why she and Carly always clashed. Robin ultimately was too white is right for her to be that close to the mob world. Courtney, Carly, Sam all fit those roles much better because they have some grey/black in them to live in that part of Jason and Sonny's lives.

Maxie turning into a drug dealer - wtf?, Lucky turning into a cheating addict, Rebecca being villianized for wanting to tell the truth about Nikolas and Liz's affair - the one time she actually was willing to do the right thing, Sibohan being labeled a crazy lady spouse and eventually killed off because she didn't love Liesabitch Webber and lastly Sam being written to be a woman who was complicite in a kidnapping and lastly calling thugs up to scare her with her children present are all examples of blatant character destruction across all fronts to prop up Saintous Blessedious Elizabeth Webber and I will hear no further counter arguments regarding this matter because it just is. Elizabeth is the most favored pet of Guza, right after Carly.

Never saw this, considering her relationship with all members of the Spencer clan deteriorated long before Lulu "needed" her and Luke always felt Lucky was slumming it by taking care of kids that weren't biologically his. The only meaningful relationship she really had was the one with Nikolas and that ended up with them screwing eachother on every available surface in that castle of his. Anyway, Liz was and forever will be a horrible replacement for Laura considering her history and betrayals.

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I hate that Robin died to save Jason's life. If she had to die to save someone, I would've prefered someone like her daughter, husband or mother. Instead it was Jason, a killer, an assasin, a robot. Very disappointed.

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I don't think Siobhan's death was about propping Liz. Various characters continued to tell Liz she was a horrible mother and a stupid whore, including the show's patron saint, Lucky. Maxie threw that in her face again and again. Liz had yet another mental breakdown and ended up with nothing.

Siobhan was a flop character played by a forgettable actress who couldn't do an Irish accent. Her death was to give JJ another reason to cry, as if he needed one.

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I think Liz has consistantly gotten her share of writing putting her in a favorable light. Does it matter that the alleged bad girls of the time like Sam,Maxie, Rebecca, and yes Siobhan towards the end of her tenure call her out when Robin the moral center of the show continued to endorse her actions while Liz was allowed to chastize Robin and spill her secret to Patrick. Granted the Lucky tirade went overboard but while the bad girls call her out the men and good girls still side with her in terms of writing.Lulu is the only good girl allowed to call out Liz and that was only after JJ returned as Lucky.I don't like Liz but this show still IMO doesn't know what they want her to be.She's no replacement for Laura, Robin or any of the good girls.

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I wouldn't call Siobhan a bad girl. She was injured trying to save Lucky, then fell down some stairs, and was then murdered. If anything she ended up being a martyr. Lucky went on a big spirit quest for her. If Liz had been in her place, he would have just thrown some blood in the snow.

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Matt also went on a long tirade against Liz at this time, as did Lucky, Ethan (a huge mouthpiece of the writers), Maxie, Monica. If you have a wide variety of characters talking about how you are a dumb whore who only knows how to manipulate men, then your days of being propped are long gone.

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