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GH: Discussion for the Month of February

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Is it me or...


Was this John York posing as an extra?

"The guy who plays Robin's husband" -- Are you serious?????? You mean five-year cast member Jason Thompson who plays Patrick Drake, son of Rick Springfield's Noah Drake? Do you people even watch this show, or are you just waiting for the cancellation rejects to come over?

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I know I'm going to get blasted by you like you're a victim but....

When are you going to get over yourself? Its not even that serious. I don't remember anyone asking Valentini to bring these people over, and it was clearly done to get OLTL fans watching. So go blast Ron Carlivati on twitter or something. They're coming and so are their fans. Stop coming at people like its their fault. You can put our [!@#$%^&*] on ignore and FF the OLTL peeps scenes. It is just a tv show. OLTL are hardly going to take over the show, I'm sure Sonny, Jason, and Carly or whoever is on at GH will continue running the ship as usual :rolleyes: Nobody is in denial about OLTL being over and we don't want GH to become nuOLTL but we are going to enjoy the people over there for however long they are on and if some actually enjoy the rest of the show that benefits GH. You are doing the most for no reason.

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First of all, I'm nobody's victim. I believe I've been over this with you before, but since it bears repeating... I say what I feel, how I feel. If you disagree, confront, challenge, whatever... that's your business. So, if you think I'm feeling victimized in any way, please do all of us a favor and stop thinking. It doesn't suit you. Which goes into the next part of your lecture. I don't "ignore" (or report) posts or posters I have a problem with, because sometimes, I might actually agree with them. However, if I DO have a problem with them or their posts, I'm more than happy to challenge them.

Lastly, I don't need to get over myself, so to answer your question about when I will: Not likely. So if this is your effort in trying to read me... for a second time... when I wasn't even addressing you... you've failed... again.

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:lol: Yeah you shut me down.

You are acting like we are doing something to you by watching the show. Look at your response to SFK's post. You are doing too much. You can keep acting like you're not but you are. And i can say what I want when I want as well, you have been dropping these little slick comments for the past few weeks like OLTL fans are little ignorant children interrupting your GH thread and I adressed it. So yeah I really didn't fail at anything.

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WTF?!? What purpose did it serve for Sonny to blurt out the Claudia truth at the event. WTH was he thinking. He couldnt take the high road for the sake of the charity here? He just had to ruin things.

Anyone else think that Olivia looks like Miranda, Jax's first wife with her hair up like that.

Maxie is a selfish immature brat. I wish Robin had told her to f--- off and her ranting at Elizabeth has gotten old. Liz said that Lucky left bc Maxie wouldnt stay out of their business. What did she do?

I love this current Emma. She's too cute

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Sonny? High road? LOL!!

Maxie told Lucky that Elizabeth faked a breakdown to get his attention. It wasn't necessarily "the reason he left" but it was a catalyst in an already effed up relationship.

Maxie *has* told the truth the last two times she's squealed on Elizabeth. The trouble is she does it for such spiteful, petty, selfish reasons that I can't root for her at all. The last time was particularly OTT. The drug thing was not *just* Elizabeth (so why is she singled out?), it was six months ago, and Elizabeth has been doing a good job of getting her life on track again. The suspension is warranted, but it wasn't hurting anyone for it to just remain in the past either.

All they've done is make Maxie completely unrootable to me. I lay some of that at JL's feet, too, because she just doesn't seem to be able to play Maxie the way KS did -- where even when Maxie was doing the petty, spiteful, selfish things you could *see* that there was pain and vulnerability behind her actions. It gave Maxie some sympathy. For me at least.

But then, there's also the fact that Maxie had done some growing up and all of this seems kind of like character regression anyway.

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I hate you, you hate me -- end of story.

Unlike Maxie? She doesn't think she's a bad person because she maliciously chose to get someone fired over a man who never wanted her in the first place.

She's the ideal flawed good girl. It's not like she stole a baby or anything... oh, wait.

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