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And then, if the rumors aren't true, are you back to, "I always had faith..."? People make me sick always trying to beat news to the punch, making sure we're all aware that they were right all along. Who are you trying to impress? Grow up.

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Twitter, unfortunately, really encourages this. I love that person quoted a few pages back who says OLTL is done now--reading his twitter feed he keeps saying "and that's all I can say for 24 hours" then two minutes later he says something more, then he makes random comments about him going in to a doctor in regards his heart later that afternoon (who cares?), and then back to OLTL and then more comments on his poor health, bla bla. How utterly embarassing.

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I'm a pessimistic type of person but I've tried to keep an open mind with PP because it's a lifeline I never expected with soaps. I can't say I'm shocked if this fails but there's the undertone of I WAS RIGHT, YOU STUPID PEOPLE!!! which annoys me, especially because it goes with the implication that people who believed PP were fools and were choking on fairy dust. I don't think anyone went into this without some doubt. But from the start of cancelation, any fan who wanted to keep the shows on the air, or even put out an ad thanking AMC and OLTL, has gotten that kind of attitude.

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I just don't care anymore. It's sad, but I don't. I never really understood how this was going to work, and unless it was plan by ABC all along (which I did wonder about) then I was always kinda like "where the hell are they going to get the money from?" in terms of things.

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I also get annoyed by the idea that AMC and OLTL were robbed of incredible finales by PP. I liked AMC's finale, and I don't think OLTL's core of the last few years ever would have brought a great finale - not with Ford, Rex, the various noble rapists known as Todd, the lack of returns of characters like Larry. So PP might dictate more cliffhangers and less raping of virgins in Angel Square. ATWT wasn't going anywhere and they still did a poor job on their finale, IMO.

As for ABC, I just don't think they care enough to play these shell games. They have never cared about fan opinion, and both Frons and some of the people at The Chew openly mocked fans. They don't have the time or the money to worry about finding some other scapegoat. Most people who watch are still going to blame ABC anyway. Only a handful of those who watched AMC or OLTL know what PP is. Hell, quite a few of them probably think PP is Peyton Place.

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I love Chrishell (and her perky boobs.) tongue.png

Child, you don't know hate. Imagine what my little OLTL hater brigade would be saying about me if I were a member of the soap press. LOL!

Ditto. ITA and Hell yeah. I loved AMC's finale. I had my complaints with the Orpheus mess and how rushed the Hubbard story was but overall I thought it was very well done. We got some great resolutions: Jack/Erica, Marian/Stuart, Annie/Emma, Janet/Amanda (my personal favorite), etc... The last weeks of AMC were completely true to the spirit of what the show was always about. They were full of heart and love. Haters need to speak for themselves.

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The most hated part of AMC's finale--or final months was the whole Orpheus Storyline--and while arguably different characters may have been brought5 back to life (like Leo) if PP hadn't happened, we know with as much certainty as we can that the Orpheus Project story was in place already--Broderick (and Nixon) saw it as a way to fix some wrongs (specifically Agnes Nixon mentioned killing off Stuart, but I assume Dixie was another one). The main change seemed to be ending on a cliffhanger but even with the Six Feet Under style finale or whatever planned we were told it would end with some cliffhangers. This isn't conjecture, it's as close as facts as we can come when discussing something like this.

And even if Frons didn't seem to outright mock soap fans (as I do personally feel he did), as you state, NO major company has the time or money to spend on "getting back" at disappointed soap fans by setting something like this in motion just to rip it away. That's as much a conspiracy theory way of thinking as saying the government staged the whole moon walk. With all due respect to some twitter people, etc, I think to suggest as much shows a complete lack of connection with the way the world works.

No, but chances are a lot of the actors would still be available sometime this year. Though I don't think that's even the point.

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The idea that anyone would be interested in "getting back" at soap fans is ludicrous. Soap fans couldn't even keep their beloved shows on the air. Why would anybody believe they matter enough to conduct some kind of stealth campaign. Twilight fans? Yes. Soap fans? Puhleeze.

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I know there's also speculation that ABC did this so people wouldn't blame them for the death of AMC and OLTL, and this is a way of saving themselves PR damage. I just don't believe ABC cares about any of that. If they did they wouldn't have canceled both shows at the same time.

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And any PR damage that ever could have been done HAS been done. Obviously it wasn't enough to worry ABC in the long run, it got a lot of press, blah blah. This won't--it'll just become, if nothing indeed happens (or even if the shows do make it online but then flop), just a very minor footnote in any soap or show histories with maybe a few small columns in the paper. If this was a plan on ABC's part it's been an utter fail already. But it's not--and I still think it's ridiculous to consider that it would be.

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OLTL Writer Scott Sickles Posts On FB

RE: Prospect Park Deal

When Fan wrote the following:

Debra Rotanz Maybe if you play it backwards, the mysterious truth of universe and That Thing On All Of Our Minds will be revealed. *sigh* All I want for Christmas is...the truth. And some super strength crazy glue for my OLTL loving heart if it is a truth that I don't want to hear.

3 hours ago · Like · 1

Debra Rotanz ‎frown.giffrown.giffrown.gif Can we still sew this thing back together? *thread, needle, thimble at the ready*

about an hour ago · Like

From Scott Sickles, Writer at OLTL In response:

Scott Sickles Debra, I'll tell you now. The Prospect Park thing is still happening. It hasn't come undone yet. There's no kill to view, so save your prayers now (as your wild boys and girls on film may need them later).

about an hour ago · Like · 2

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